Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben, P.A. utilizes a staff of qualified and experienced individuals to assist the personal injury and wrongful death attorneys in their representation of Minnesota’s injury victims. Under the direction of our firm partners, our attorneys, litigation paralegals, legal secretaries and investigators perform a variety of tasks on your behalf.
The quality of a law firm cannot be judged solely by the experience of its attorneys, because it’s often the people behind the scenes who really make things happen. We’re extremely proud to have the staff listed here as members of our team.
Feel free to contact Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben, P.A. law firm staff directly at one of the following e-mail addresses or call our main office line, (612)377-7777. We will respond to your requests promptly.
See also Our Attorneys
Tania Alme Legal Secretary |
Melissa Barstow Legal Secretary |
Gwen Chase Paralegal |
Tammy Diepenbrock Marketing Director |
Kelly Eckerman Legal Secretary |
Sherry Ekstrom Paralegal |
Kari Frandsen Paralegal |
Karen Gentilini Legal Secretary |
Carter Greene Office Assistant |
Sharon Helgemoe Paralegal |
Deanna Henrich Receptionist |
Leah Hidalgo Accounts Payable |
Tina Houdek Receptionist |
Mary Kay Houston Office Assistant |
Michelle Ilstrup Legal Secretary |
Susan Kaiser Legal Assistant |
Tei Kano Paralegal |
Alexa Knuth Paralegal |
Erin Kolasa Legal Secretary |
Rhonda Kolstad Legal Secretary |
Vishnukumar Kumaraswamy Accounts Payable Specialist |
Peggy Larkin Legal Secretary |
Suzanne Lewis Paralegal |
Renee Maas Paralegal |
Gene Marohn Investigator |
Lisa McIntyre Administrator |
Alexis Moore Legal Secretary |
Namie Ott Paralegal |
Jacy Reardon Legal Secretary |
Sara Rosengren Paralegal |
Sarah Scott Paralegal |
Jessi Shatirishvili Office Assistant |
Eileen Sinnott Legal Secretary |
Katie Skarda Paralegal |
Kate Stifter Paralegal |
Maddie Theisen Receptionist |
Auna Weigman Paralegal |