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$15,868,960.00Jury Verdict

Product Liability

Brain Injuries

This case involved a 19-year-old young man who was working at a local gas station in rural Minnesota. The trial was one of the longest jury trials for a single injured plaintiff in Minnesota history. This major product liability case was appealed all the way to the United States Supreme Court, which ultimately upheld the verdict as reduced by the Minnesota Supreme Court. The result was not only a successful recovery for the plaintiff, but also established legal rights for protection of the public and those injured by defective products. The Minnesota Supreme Court reduced the original verdict to $8,200,000.00 as follows: $3,700,000.00 compensatory damages and $4,500,000.00 punitive damages.

Automobile Accident

Severe spinal cord injury resulting in ventilator dependent quadriplegia

The 16-year-old plaintiff was a passenger in a vehicle being operated by a friend, also sixteen years of age. The driver lost control and the vehicle flipped over. The plaintiff sustained a severe spinal cord injury which left her paralyzed from the neck down and dependent upon a ventilator. The defendant's insurance company denied coverage for the crash, asserting the vehicle involved was removed from the insurance policy one month before the crash.


School Accident

Brain Injuries

A 16-year-old teenager suffered a traumatic brain injury during a private school physical education golf class when she was struck in the head by a golf ball hit by another student. The school asked the court to dismiss the case claiming that the girl had assumed the risk of injury. A federal court judge denied the school's request because the school had a duty to provide a safe class environment. In fact, questions existed about whether the school did so. The case later settled for $10 million.


Car Accidents


A 29-year old father of two was rendered tetraplegic in a rollover collision in which he was a passenger. Challenging issues included the fact that both the client and the driver had been drinking. Names of parties and other details confidential.

Grain elevator explosion

Traumatic Brain Injury

A young farmer suffered a severe brain injury in a grain elevator explosion, leaving him in a persistent vegetative state. This was the second time that the same elevator had blown up in three years. A settlement was negotiated with the elevator company without a lawsuit.
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