Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben Representing U.S. Military Veterans Who Used 3M Earplugs
Are you a military veteran suffering from hearing loss, tinnitus or other hearing issues as a result of using 3M earplugs? You may be entitled to a recovery due to faulty earplugs. Please contact the experienced attorneys at Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben for a free consultation at (612) 377-7777 or visit Schwebel, Goetz &…
How Does a Law Firm Help You During a Legal Battle?
If you have been injured in an accident, you already understand the stress that comes with the experience. In addition to the physical pain, you also face the anxiety associated with medical care and the ongoing efforts to receive just compensation for your injuries. Ideally, things will go as smoothly as possible following an accident,…
Large Product Liability Settlement Secured by Attorney Paul Godlewski
Emilio Delgado Sanchez was the operator of an industrial winder machine known as a PECO Winder 250-1100. This machine is used in the plastic film industry, and was deployed at the Berry Plastics plant in Bloomington, MN. On September 3rd, 2008, the winding machine malfunctioned, and Mr. Delgado Sanchez’s right arm was pulled in. This…
A Winning Strategy in Defective Products Cases
INTRODUCTION A product case is won or lost in the early days following the accident, when the preliminary investigation must be initiated. This article will offer some suggestions on how to proceed in order to increase the client’s chance of success. IMMEDIATE INVESTIGATION The first priority is to call an experienced products liability attorney who…
Proving Fault for Defective Product Injuries
Injuries directly caused by dangerous or defective products are sometimes easier to recover compensation than other injury cases. Why? "Product liability" or the legal rules concerning those responsible for defective or dangerous products is different from ordinary injury liability law. And, this set of rules sometimes makes it easier for an injured person to recover…
Making a Product Liability Claim
If you’ve been injured by a product — anything from matches to an airplane — you may have a liability case against the product’s manufacturers and distributors. Whether your case is worth pursuing depends on how you were injured, whether you contributed to that injury and the laws in your state. The Basics There are…
Common Defenses to Product Liability Claims
As with all personal injury claims, a person who wants to bring a product liability claim must file their action within the applicable time limit, or "limitation period." The failure to do so will give rise to a statute of limitations defense by the defendant(s). In addition, some states have "statutes of repose," which bar…
Roof Crush
Auto Industry Lies and Recalcitrance Crush Car and SUV Owners in Rollover Crashes The current roof crush standard became effective in 1973, and has only been revised since that time for extension to vehicles with a gross vehicle weight (GVW) of 6,000 pounds or less and to apply to vehicles with raised roofs. This weight…
Wild Thing’s brakes to be scrutinized
Valleyfair, the ride’s manufacturer and outside engineers will try to find the cause of Sunday’s accident that injured 15 riders. It is expected to take days. Giant brake pads were slowing Valleyfair’s Wild Thing roller coaster when the last of its six cars broke away and lurched to a tilt, sending 15 riders to the…
Buyer Beware
Successor Companies Can Be Strictly Liable For Defective Products Manufactured By Predecessors In this age of corporate mergers, takeovers and acquisitions, a company purchasing the assets of another needs to know exactly what it is buying into, especially if it is acquiring a company that manufactures a product. As the state court of appeal in…