100 Deadliest Days of Summer Auto Accident Safety Guide
Summer brings warm weather and good times to our Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and the Dakotas, but it also adds traffic to our roadways. We encourage you to drive smart and drive defensively with all the additional drivers and vehicles on the road. After all, according to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, the time between…
How Does a Law Firm Help You During a Legal Battle?
If you have been injured in an accident, you already understand the stress that comes with the experience. In addition to the physical pain, you also face the anxiety associated with medical care and the ongoing efforts to receive just compensation for your injuries. Ideally, things will go as smoothly as possible following an accident,…
Brain Injury Association of Minnesota’s 9th Annual Walk For Thought
Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben was a proud sponsor of the 9th Annual Brain Injury Association of Minnesota’s Walk for Thought. More than 1600 walkers from St Paul, Duluth, St Cloud and Rochester participated, including Honorary Ambassadors: former Minnesota Viking Randall McDaniel and former Minnesota Twin Al Newman. The goal of the walk was to bring…
Attorney Paul Godlewski presented the Commitment to Service Award from the Brain Injury Association of Minnesota
MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA (June 15, 2010) – Paul E. Godlewski, a shareholder with the law firm of Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben, P.A. was presented the Commitment to Service Award from the Brain Injury Association of Minnesota. Presented by David King, Executive Director of the Brain Injury Association of Minnesota, in appreciation and recognition of Paul’s leadership…
A Walk to Remember
Team SGS (Schwebel’s Got Sole) participated in the 8th Annual Brain Injury Association’s Walk for Thought. This year’s walk honored our Minnesota Veterans. Over 2200 walkers, raising more than $132,000, came together to remember those who are living with brain injury, as well as those who have been lost to it. If you would like…
“What to Expect after TBI”
By Tom Novack, PhD Presented at the Recovery after TBI Conference, Sept, 1999 Cognitive Difficulties after TBI The cognitive difficulties experienced by people after traumatic brain injury (TBI), often have more impact on their recovery and outcome than their physical limitations. Most people with traumatic brain injury, even those that are severe in degree, are…
The Road to Rehabilitation
Brain Injury Association of America Creating a better future through brain injury prevention, research, education and advocacy. Introduction Everyone has experienced pain at one time or another. Although most individuals find it bothersome, many of them are able to continue going about their activities of daily living (ADLs) despite the pain. However, for some persons,…
Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms
A person with a suspected brain injury should contact a physician immediately, go to the emergency room, or call 911 in the case of an emergency. After an impact to the head, a person with a brain injury can experience a variety of symptoms but not necessarily all of the following symptoms. This information is…
Head Injury Impact Early Head Blows, Alzheimer’s Linked
10/23/00 – Veterans who had serious head injuries decades ago now have a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease, a finding that suggests serious blows to the head may somehow cause long-term brain damage, researchers said today. The more severe the head injury, the greater the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, the teams at the U.S. National…
Expert Involved in Treating Traumatic Brain Injury
Neurologist Physiatrist Neuropsychologist Respiratory or pulmonary therapists Physical therapist Occupational therapist Speech pathologist Cognitive therapist Vocational rehabilitation counselor Educational therapist Social worker Therapeutic recreational specialist Rehabilitation case manager Pediatric neurologist Neurologist Neurologist What is a neurologist? A neurologist is a medical doctor with specialized training in diagnosing, treating, and managing disorders of the brain…
Additional Sources for Traumatic Brain Injury
What Research Is Being Done for the Cognitive and Communication Problems Caused by Traumatic Brain Injury? Researchers are studying many issues related to the special cognitive and communication problems experienced by individuals who have traumatic brain injuries. Scientists are designing new evaluation tools to assess the special problems that children who have suffered traumatic brain…
Brain Injury: Proving a Lifetime Disability
Head injuries bring more than 400,000 people to hospitals every year. Approximately three-quarters are diagnosed as having suffered a mild to moderate injury – injuries that can be subtle, persistent, and potentially long term. Demographically, three quarters of the survivors are males, one half of whom are ages 15 to 34. They are the "go…
Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States
Public Health Goals The data in this report clearly demonstrate the importance of traumatic brain injury as a public health problem. Consequent to these injuries, each year more than 50,000 Americans die, nearly 230,000 are hospitalized and survive, and an estimated 80,000 to 90,000 experience the onset of long-term or lifelong disability. We have much…