What Should I Do After a Dog Bite?
Dog bites can be terrifying. Most dog bite victims are kids under age nine, so it’s crucial for both children and adults to know how to react to a dog attack.
If you live in Minnesota, the personal injury attorneys at Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben are available to help. Call us at 612-377-7777 or toll-free at 1-800-752-4265 to speak with an experienced dog bite lawyer about your case. Or learn more about what to do in the event of a dog bite below.
What Should I Do If a Dog Bites Me?
- First, you should go to the emergency room or your family doctor. Even if the wounds don’t look serious, they could get infected easily. Scrapes and scratches can become infected just as quickly as puncture wounds. If your injuries become infected, they can leave worse scars. Complications can also occur from an untreated dog bite. If you get your bite treated immediately, the gashes can be sutured closed. If they are not stitched, the infection and subsequent scarring could be more severe.
- To check into whether the dog has up-to-date vaccinations, you have to identify the dog. If it is a stray or if it isn’t current on its shots, you may need to have a vaccination for rabies.
- Contact the local police department, and file a police report. Get a copy for yourself in case you need to pursue legal action against the owner.
- Most dog owners can’t believe that their dog would actually bite someone. No matter what you say, they will probably deny it. Avoid arguing with the dog’s owner. It can only lead to hard feelings or a confrontation. Getting into a fight will not help your cause.
- The insurance company for the dog’s owner will try to get you to record a statement. Don’t allow them to bully you into it. There’s nothing you can say to them that will help your case. There’s plenty you can say that will help them in the event that you should pursue a civil case.
- Even if the insurance company makes you an offer to settle, don’t sign anything until you talk to an attorney. You could be signing away your right to sue. Insurance companies have a habit of making low-ball offers to individuals who don’t have an attorney representing them.
Contact Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben at 612-377-7777 or 1-800-752-4265 (toll-free) as soon as possible if a dog bites you. We can advise you of your legal rights. We’ll make sure you get the just compensation you deserve for your injury.