Loss of Fingers
The case involved a 4-year-old boy who had fingers on his dominant hand bitten off by a horse while visiting a riding stable.
The case involved a 4-year-old boy who had fingers on his dominant hand bitten off by a horse while visiting a riding stable.
Injury to Child
The case involved a 9-year-old child who was bit in the neck by a neighbors dog. The dog had broken free of its chain and attacked the child as he rode by on his bike.
The case involved a 9-year-old child who was bit in the neck by a neighbors dog. The dog had broken free of its chain and attacked the child as he rode by on his bike.
Richard L Tousignant
Richard L Tousignant
Facial Scarring
A young woman suffered bad facial scarring as a result of a dog attack. There was a legal issue whereby defendants claimed that they were not responsible because under the law she was taking care of the dog. We defeated this claim and got insurance to pay a significant sum.
A young woman suffered bad facial scarring as a result of a dog attack. There was a legal issue whereby defendants claimed that they were not responsible because under the law she was taking care of the dog. We defeated this claim and got insurance to pay a significant sum.
Dog Bite
Client was bitten by a dog and the wound ended up becoming infected, requiring extensive wound care treatment.
Client was bitten by a dog and the wound ended up becoming infected, requiring extensive wound care treatment.
Aaron S Eken
Aaron S Eken
Injury to Children
Nine-year-old girl bit by a dog on her right cheek resulting in scarring.
Nine-year-old girl bit by a dog on her right cheek resulting in scarring.
Cole J Dixon
Cole J Dixon
Injury to Children
The case involved a 4-year-old child who was bit on the face by a friend’s dog requiring complex surgical repair.
The case involved a 4-year-old child who was bit on the face by a friend’s dog requiring complex surgical repair.
Jessica A Servais
Jessica A Servais
A five year old girl was bit on her lip and cheek by a small dog. There was some residual scarring on this fair-skinned young lady.
A five year old girl was bit on her lip and cheek by a small dog. There was some residual scarring on this fair-skinned young lady.
Paul E Godlewski
Paul E Godlewski
Broken Ankle
This case involved a 32-year-old postal worker who was attacked by a dog. He slipped and fractured his ankle.
This case involved a 32-year-old postal worker who was attacked by a dog. He slipped and fractured his ankle.
Rotator Cuff Tear
This case involved a 56-year-old mail carrier who was in process of delivering mail to a residential home when she chased by an aggressive dog. As she was running from the dog tripped and fell to the ground causing her to tear her right rotator cuff. She underwent surgery to repair the tear.
This case involved a 56-year-old mail carrier who was in process of delivering mail to a residential home when she chased by an aggressive dog. As she was running from the dog tripped and fell to the ground causing her to tear her right rotator cuff. She underwent surgery to repair the tear.
Kojo A Addo
Kojo A Addo
Puncture wounds(42): hand, elbow, chest, thigh and calf
The case involved an 18-year-old young woman who was helping out at her boyfriend's dairy farm. A neighbor's dog attacked her without warning.
The case involved an 18-year-old young woman who was helping out at her boyfriend's dairy farm. A neighbor's dog attacked her without warning.
Max H Hacker
Max H Hacker
Injury to Children
The case involved a 1-year-old child who was bit on the face by a family member’s dog requiring complex surgical repair.
The case involved a 1-year-old child who was bit on the face by a family member’s dog requiring complex surgical repair.
Jessica A Servais
Jessica A Servais
Facial Scar
The case involved a 34-year-old man who was bit in the face, twice, by a friend's dog.
The case involved a 34-year-old man who was bit in the face, twice, by a friend's dog.
Paul E Godlewski
Paul E Godlewski