Description: Client sustained significant burns to 10% of her body after her new hot water heater exploded due to negligent installation and improperly securing the gas line.
Description: Woman injured in auto collision in northern Minnesota. She sustained severe orthopedic injuries to both legs requiring multiple surgeries.
Description: A 16-year-old boy injured his right hand in an ATV roll over accident. Four fingers were crushed requiring surgery. All four fingers would eventually be amputated due to severity of injuries.
Description: A family of three was involved in an accident on I-35W when the driver of their vehicle lost control due to snow and was eventually struck by a semi. All three sustained significant orthopedic injuries. Semi disputed fault.
Description: Father and son (14) sustained head injuries, crushed trachea and several fractures after being struck head-on by drunk driver going the wrong way on 694.
Description: Uncontrolled intersection crash on a rural gravel road in IA. SUV and Semi hit simultaneously in the middle of the intersection. A 47-year-old mother of two died leaving behind her husband and two children. The defendant had the directional right of way, but was speeding and therefore could have avoided the accident.
Description: 45-year-old man sustained a neck injury after being rear ended. Eventually required a cervical fusion surgery. Challenging issue was minimal property damage.
Description: 60-year-old involved in MVA when defendant failed to stop for stop sign causing t-bone accident - right ankle fracture requiring 2 ORIF surgeries.
Description: Jogger struck in pedestrian crosswalk while crossing on a don’t walk sign sustaining fractured leg and pelvis. Driver failed to yield while turning left. Liability disputed based on don’t walk signal.
Description: A 25-year-old was t-boned by a State of Minnesota snow plow. They sustained a hip fracture requiring hardware placement. Overcame immunity defense.
Description: A 43-year-old was hit head-on by a vehicle that crossed the centerline. They required ACL repair surgery as well as low back discectomy surgery.
Description: An 8-year-old girl was injured while riding on the back of a snowmobile. Her 14-year-old cousin was driving when they hit a tree. She sustained facial fractures that did not require surgery.
Description: 18-year-old girl rear-ended by 90-year-old woman. She developed lower back pain and went a year with no treatment, then required radiofrequency neurotomy treatments.
Description: Young man rear ended and sustained headaches and neck/back pain. Treated with chiropractor and neurologist. Would have occipital decompression surgery to relieve headaches.
Description: Woman involved in an intersection accident sustaining concussion – she claimed she had green light – defendant claimed she had green light – no witnesses to accident –insurance denied liability saying plaintiff at fault - Jury found defendant 100% at fault.