Five SGS Attorneys Designated Top 40 Personal Injury Attorneys
June 2009
MINNEAPOLIS (June 1, 2009) – Five attorneys from the law firm of Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben, P.A. have been named “Minnesota’s Top 40 Personal Injury Attorneys” by Minnesota Law & Politics Magazine.
The 2009 “Minnesota’s Top 40 Personal Injury Attorney” survey was published in the June/July edition of Minnesota Law & Politics Magazine. Ballots were sent to randomly selected attorneys across Minnesota. Those attorneys were asked to name peers that they considered to be outstanding lawyers in the field of personal injury law.
Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben, P.A. would like to congratulate our 2009 “Minnesota’s Top 40 Personal Injury Attorneys”.
Paul E. Godlewski
Peter W. Riley
James R. Schwebel
William R. Sieben
Richard L. Tousignant