Careful Driving for Back to School
September 2012
As the children of Minneapolis load up their backpacks and return to school, Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben would like to remind you to drive carefully and stay alert for children crossing or walking along roads. Low morning visibility, active children and groggy drivers can be a dangerous combination, and it is important for drivers across Minnesota to drive slower and more cautiously.
The most common pedestrian accidents, especially involving children, happen in intersections when a car is turning while the pedestrian crosses. Children are often not paying attention to turning cars and negligent drivers fail to see them in the intersection. If drivers are driving too fast, they may not see the pedestrian until they have already begun their turn.
Winter weather adds an additional hazard, as drivers traveling at too high of a rate of speed lack the adequate time to stop in slippery conditions. These conditions can place schoolchildren at risk and increase the possibility of car and pedestrian accidents.
Your personal injury attorney in Minneapolis, Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben has over 40 years of experience defending victims of transportation and other accidents. From this experience, we have compiled this list of important tips to keep in mind when driving during the back to school season:
- Drive at the posted school speed limit in all school zones during hours that children may be present
- Keep your headlights on at dawn and dusk for safety or when fog or clouds limit visibility
- Watch intersections for children and other pedestrians before turning or entering
- Slow down in adverse weather conditions to compensate for delayed braking
If you or a loved one is injured in a pedestrian or any other traffic accident, please call our offices so that we can help you recover your health and the restitution that you deserve. Call our offices now at 612-377-7777 or 1-800-752-4265 (toll free) for a free consultation.