Car Accidents: Verdicts/Settlements

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Severe spinal cord injury resulting in ventilator dependent quadriplegia

The 16-year-old plaintiff was a passenger in a vehicle being operated by a friend, also sixteen years of age. The driver lost control and the vehicle flipped over. The plaintiff sustained a severe spinal cord injury which left her paralyzed from the neck down and dependent upon a ventilator. The defendant's insurance company denied coverage for the crash, asserting the vehicle involved was removed from the insurance policy one month before the crash.
Peter W Riley


A 29-year old father of two was rendered tetraplegic in a rollover collision in which he was a passenger. Challenging issues included the fact that both the client and the driver had been drinking. Names of parties and other details confidential.
John C Goetz

Partial Paralysis

Pedestrian motor vehicle crash with partial paralysis. Confidential facts.
Kojo A Addo

Orthopedic Injuries

Serious car crash resulting in numerous orthopedic injuries for a 64-year-old lady who underwent over 7 major surgeries and became completely disabled and unable to work.
Alicia N Sieben

Wrongful Death

Mother and son killed in one vehicle rollover accident in Northern Minnesota. Liability was disputed due to emergency medical condition.
Cole J Dixon

Broken Bone Injuries

Woman injured in auto collision in northern Minnesota. She sustained severe orthopedic injuries to both legs requiring multiple surgeries.
Cole J Dixon

Daughter - fractures and head injury with personality change, Death of her unborn son, Mother - fracture and head injury.

The case involved a woman and her pregnant daughter who were injured by a careless truck driver.
Max H Hacker

Severe orthopedic injuries

A young woman suffered severe orthopedic injuries in an automobile collision with a drunk driver. The driver had inadequate insurance, but his employer was found liable because he was returning from a golf club where he had made arrangements for a social event sponsored by his employer, and was therefore legally proven to be on the job at the time of the accident.
John C Goetz

Abdominal Injuries/Internal Injuries

A 32-year-old single man with a spotty employment history suffered severe abdominal injuries when a commercial van lost control on an icy road and hit his car head-on. Although our client had been drinking, defendant ultimately admitted fault as part of an agreement to submit the case to binding arbitration rather than jury trial. A settlement was negotiated before arbitration.
John C Goetz

Broken Bone Injuries

A family of three was involved in an accident on I-35W when the driver of their vehicle lost control due to snow and was eventually struck by a semi. All three sustained significant orthopedic injuries. Semi disputed fault.

Orthopedic and Brain Injury

Defendant driver failed to yield the right-of-way causing a significant collision. The plaintiff suffered injuries including fracture sternum, broken ribs, left ankle fracture, right ankle fracture, right tibia fracture, left knee injury and a traumatic brain injury.
Cody C Scharpf

Burn Injuries

The plaintiff was a passenger in a stretch limousine that was rear-ended. The limousine's gas tank ruptured from the impact causing burns to over 18% of her body. She made a good recovery, but was left with scarring.

Spinal Cord Injuries

The case involved a 19-year-old young man who was a passenger in a car that left the roadway, and rolled over causing a severe neck injury resulting in quadriplegia. A structured settlement was put in place with these funds resulting in a return many times more than the actual settlement. This settlement allowed for lifetime care and income.
Paul E Godlewski

Brain Injuries

A 14-year-old girl who was a MN resident was involved in a one car crash as a passenger in Florida. She suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury and spent several weeks in the hospital and rehabilitation care. Thankfully, she made a fantastic physical and mental recovery. Settlement for policy limits of $1,450,000.00.

Brain Injuries

A 15-year-old girl suffered a traumatic brain injury when the pickup truck she was riding in lost control and rolled over. Driver claimed a semi-tractor passed him causing him to lose control of his truck and trailer. Accident occurred in Chipley, Florida.

Son: Wrongful Death, Mother: Brain Injury & two Broken Ankles

The plaintiff was flying from Maryland to Colorado. She and her 13 year old son were returning from spring break. The plane was grounded in Minneapolis because of weather conditions in Colorado. The plaintiff had attended college in MN, so she called a friend to get together during her layover. The defendant joined them for dinner and offered to take the plaintiff back to the airport. The plaintiff was not aware that the defendant had been drinking prior to meeting them. On the way back to the airport the plaintiff noticed the defendant was traveling at a high rate of speed. The defendant's vehicle left the roadway and smashed into a steel barrier. The defendant had a BAC of .18.

Wrongful Death

This case involved a 69-year-old husband survived by his wife of 36 years, three adult children and four grandchildren. He was traveling on a county roadway when a tractor with hay wagon pulled out in front of him. Collision caused immediate death. Settled for policy limits of 1.4 million.

Wrongful Death

The case involved a 27-year-old single male who on Thanksgiving Day was operating his truck with his best friend as a passenger. When passing through an intersection in South Minneapolis, they were struck by a City of Minneapolis squad car, which had come through a stop sign and lacked any emergency lights. Both the 27 -year-old male and his best friend were killed. This represents the largest jury award in Minnesota for death of a single young adult.
James R Schwebel

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

Settlement for a young man who was rendered a quadriplegic when he was rear-ended by a negligent driver.
Alicia N Sieben

Head injury with dizziness and post-traumatic stress disorder

The case involved a store manager who suffered physical and psychological injuries following a rear-end motor vehicle accident.

Brain injury / Multiple fractures

The plaintiff was seriously injured in a collision when the vehicle she was traveling in as a passenger struck a semi-tractor/trailer, which made a left turn without yielding. The plaintiff sustained a brain injury as well as a fracture of her left shoulder and ribs. The plaintiff made an excellent recovery but continued to have some residuals effects from her head injury, as well as some weakness of her left side.
Peter W Riley

Wrongful Death

The case involved an elderly woman who was a passenger in her daughter's car. It was hit head on by a car which had been racing another car and lost control.
, , Paul E Godlewski

Traumatic brain injury, stitches under her right eye, fluid in her stomach and removal of part of the small intestine

The case involved a 46-year-old woman who was driving her car when a commercial pickup truck that did not see a stop sign, hit her broadside going 55 mph.

Traumatic Brain Injury

A physician was shoveling snow in his driveway one morning before work when a car being driven by a lawyer slid into him, causing a brain injury. The lawyer's insurance policy provided only $100,000.00 of coverage, but additional coverage through the lawyer's law firm was established by proof that the lawyer was driving from home to court, rather than to his office, and was therefore legally considered to be on the job at the time of the accident.
John C Goetz


Aaron S Eken
$1,100,000.00Jury Verdict

Significant hip fracture requiring and open reduction and plating of the acetabulum as well as a fracture of the knee cap requiring an open reduction and internal fixation with wires.

The case involved a 54-year-old man who was involved in a two-vehicle collision on an icy Minnesota highway. The defendant's vehicle had spun out of control and was blocking the road when the plaintiff t-boned his vehicle.
James R Schwebel
$1,075,000.00Arbitration Award

Broken Bones

The case involved a woman who was driving her car across the Washington Avenue Bridge in Minneapolis. She lost control on an ice patch, and struck the bridge rail. She got out of the car to examine the damage, and just as she was re-entering the car, an uninsured vehicle lost control, striking the plaintiff and pinning her between her car and the uninsured vehicle. After recovery of an arbitration award of $775,000.00, plaintiff proceeded to collect additional amounts from the insurance on the vehicle which she was operating, a loaner vehicle from her car dealer. The car dealer's insurance company, Safeco, vigorously disputed the plaintiff's entitlement to benefits, resulting in two appeals (Safeco v. Goldenberg). The plaintiff's claims were ultimately upheld on appeal.
Peter W Riley
$1,000,000.00Jury Verdict

Closed head injury, neck and back injury

The case involved several laborers who were injured in a rollover highway accident.

Broken Bone Injuries

A 67-year-old female was involved in a head-on collision in Wisconsin. She sustained a closed fracture of multiple ribs on both sides, closed fracture of the sternum, closed non-displaced fracture of the pelvis, hypotension, and traumatic pneumothorax. Negotiated a $1,000,000.00 settlement with the at-fault party's insurance carrier. Was also able to get ERISA subrogation to reduce by 10%.
$1,000,000.00Arbitration Award

Leg Injury(Multiple Fractures)

This case involved a 40-year-old gentleman that was a pedestrian when he was struck by an automobile at an auto show. His left leg was run over and he suffered multiple fractures. He went through extensive therapy to save the leg and amputation could occur in the future. The defendants claimed the accident was the plaintiff's fault for stepping in front of the car and that the leg was going to be lost due to diabetes.

Multiple Fractures / Head Injury

The case involved a University of Minnesota athlete hit by a garbage truck on Christmas Eve in 1992. He suffered multiple fractures and a closed head injury.
William R Sieben

Brain Injuries

The client was driving and was struck by another vehicle that ran a red light. He suffered a brain injury plus a permanent injury to his spinal chord. He returned to work within a year after the accident but will likely require treatment for the rest of this life.

Brain Injuries

The case involved a young man who sustained a serious brain injury when a vehicle pulling a trailer was unable to stop, and collided with his car. The case settled the morning of closing arguments after a four-week trial.

Injury to Children

Wrongful death of a minor child. motor vehicle crash.
Kojo A Addo

Multiple Orthopedic Injuries

A 22-year-old woman who had just completed a college degree in engineering was hit head on by a driver who crossed the center line on a rural two-lane highway in northern Minnesota. She sustained fractures of both legs and one arm, all of which required open reduction and internal fixation with surgical hardware. Her ability to work as an engineer was not impaired, but she was left with some permanent functional limitations.
John C Goetz

Brain Injuries

The case involved a 7-year-old little girl who suffered a closed head injury when her bicycle was struck by a speeding automobile.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Three level lumbar fusion surgery for a 50-year-old man injured in a car accident.
Cole J Dixon

Fractured Hip and Three Level Cervical Fusion

A 70-year-old man was struck in an uncontrolled intersection where the other driver had the directional right of way. The accident resulted in fractured hip and a three level cervical fusion surgery.
Cole J Dixon

Broken Bone Injuries

Elderly woman struck head on by distracted driver. She suffered two fractured legs with degloving injuries.
Cole J Dixon

Wrongful Death

The case involved a 61-year-old man who was driving westbound on Highway 8 near Forest Lake, Minnesota, returning from the family's cabin. The defendant was driving eastbound on County Road 8, and apparently took her eyes off the road, crossed the centerline, and struck the plaintiff head-on killing him. The plaintiff was survived by his wife and several adult children.
Peter W Riley

Cervical Fusion

A 29-year-old sustained a neck injury in a t-bone car crash requiring a two level cervical fusion surgery.
Cole J Dixon

Neck, Back and Gastroenterological Injuries

Wisconsin crash that led to neck, back and gastroenterological injuries. Cody was able to secure three different layers of insurance coverage to recover on behalf of her client.
Cody C Scharpf

Concussion and cervical spine injury

A 53-year-old woman driving in heavy traffic on the Crosstown Highway in Minneapolis was struck from the rear at moderate speed. Her head struck the steering wheel and she sustained a concussion and a cervical spine injury. She underwent extensive non-surgical medical care. Her ability to work was disputed.
John C Goetz
$775,282.00Arbitration Award

Disc herniation to L5-S1 with two surgeries

The case involved a 26-year-old man. The out of town defendant driving a rental car made an illegal U-turn causing a collision with the plaintiff. He suffered a herniated disc which required two surgeries, and there was substantial damage to his Ford Bronco.
Peter W Riley

Ankle Fracture and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

A late 30’s female was injured in a crash when at-fault driver ran a stop sign, striking the vehicle she was a passenger in. Fractured left ankle, which ultimately lead to a diagnosis of complex regional pain syndrome. After litigating the case, Cody was able to reach a settlement for over ten times the initial offer.
Cody C Scharpf

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy also known as complex regional pain syndrome

The case involved a man who was stopped, waiting to make a left hand turn into his rural driveway when the defendant rear-ended him at a high rate of speed. The plaintiff's injuries initially appeared to be mild muscle and ligament trauma to his neck and back, but over time his condition deteriorated, and he developed chronic pain syndrome which severely limited the use of his left arm.
Peter W Riley
$750,000.00Arbitration Award


The case involved an 11-year-old girl who was traveling in a van that was stopped, waiting to turn left on Highway 12 when it was struck from the rear by a car traveling at highway speed. The impact catapulted the van over the center line where an eastbound vehicle then struck it almost instantaneously. All three occupants of the van were ejected. The 11-year-old girl was run over by one of the vehicles and died instantly.
James R Schwebel

Wrongful Death

The case involved a 71-year-old woman who was riding as a passenger in a golf cart when the cart was bumped by an automobile. She was ejected from the cart and her head struck the pavement. She was in a coma for approximately 10 days and ultimately died. There was some question as to whether her death was trauma related, or from health problems she had been having with her heart.

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

45-year-old man sustained a neck injury after being rear ended. Eventually required a cervical fusion surgery. Challenging issue was minimal property damage.
Cole J Dixon

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

The case involved a 53-year-old man who was rearended. He sustained aggravation of a low back injury requiring multiple surgeries and time missed from work.

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

Rear end crash of elderly woman resulting in two fractured vertebrae in her neck.
Cole J Dixon

Broken Bone Injuries

60-year-old involved in MVA when defendant failed to stop for stop sign causing t-bone accident - right ankle fracture requiring 2 ORIF surgeries.
Cole J Dixon

Orthopedic Injuries

The case involved a woman in early mid 30’s who was injured when the driver of the vehicle she was in lost control and flipped the vehicle. She sustained multiple orthopedic injuries including fractures of the lower leg, ankle, and thumb requiring surgical repair. The policy limits were obtained.

Shoulder Injury Requiring Surgery

The case involved a woman in her mid 70’s who was involved in a head-on collision. She suffered a shoulder injury requiring arthroscopic repair and eventually a reverse total shoulder replacement. She also suffered permanent disfigurement from trauma to her face.

Orthopedic Injuries

The case involved a 31-year-old man who was on a motorcycle and was struck by a driver who merged into his lane on a highway. He suffered a ruptured spleen, pulmonary contusion, fractures to his scapular, clavicle, multiple ribs, radius and ulna. He underwent an open reduction and internal fixation of the distal radius.

Neck injury requiring surgery

This case involved a man who underwent cervical fusion surgery following a car accident.

Broken Bone Injuries

Client sustained an ankle fracture requiring surgical intervention.
Aaron S Eken


An 11 year-old was rendered paraplegic in a rear-end collision in which she was a passenger. The policy limits were obtained.

She had disability in her right ankle and foot consisting of both pain and stiffness

The case involved a 37-year-old woman who was a passenger in a taxicab in San Diego, California which was involved in a two vehicle collision.
James R Schwebel

Burn Injuries

The case involved a woman in her late 40’s who was struck by a driver that ran a stop sign. She suffered a concussion and neck injury requiring extension treatment and time missed from work. The policy limits were obtained.

Severe foot fracture (Calcaneus)

The case involved a middle age man who sustained a severe fracture to the foot in an auto accident, and was required to use a brace for the rest of his life even though he could continue to work.
Paul E Godlewski

Head injury and rib fractures

Client sustained a closed head injury and rib fractures.
Aaron S Eken

Ruptured spleen, torn aorta, and a fractured vertebrae

The case involved a 52-year-old man who was hit when the defendant went through a stop sign, striking the plaintiffs vehicle. The plaintiff's vehicle rolled over several times. He had a slow recovery, but within a year he was back to work as a full time carpenter.

Subdural hemotoma requiring surgery

The case involved a middle-aged man who was struck by the defendant's vehicle when it drove through a stop sign. The plaintiff made a excellent recovery.


The case involved a 36-year-old woman who was killed in a head-on collision, which occurred during blinding "white-out" conditions in southwestern Minnesota. She collided with the defendant tractor/trailer in a spot where the drifting snow had reduced the travel portion of the roadway to a single lane. The defendant truck driver was violating Federal Motor Carrier Regulation 392.14 and should not have been on the roadway during a "No Travel Advisory."
James R Schwebel

Brain Injuries

This case involved a husband and father who was employed in the meat department of the local food store. He suffered a closed head injury in a motor vehicle collision. This man sustained a permanent disability, which entitled him to social security and disability benefits. Additionally, the liability settlement was placed in a structured annuity returning many times its value to the plaintiff and his family.
Paul E Godlewski

Shoulder Injuries & Head Injury

The case involved a passenger in a vehicle being operated by his friend on their way to a job site in Western Minnesota. The friend fell asleep, and the vehicle crossed the centerline, striking an oncoming semi tractor-trailer. The plaintiff sustained a head injury as well as injuries to both shoulders that required two surgeries, several months apart, to correct the injuries to his rotator cuff in each shoulder. Plaintiff was no longer able to work as a commercial electrician, but was doing residential electrical work at the time of trial.
Peter W Riley

Broken forearm / Soft tissue neck & back

The case involved a 56-year-old woman who was a passenger in a car that was hit when the defendant went through a stop sign. The impact caused the plaintiff to be thrown forward, striking her arm against the dashboard. Because of the injury she was unable to return to work.

Neck Injury Requiring Surgery

The case involved a 40-year-old woman who was involved in three rear-end collisions. She suffered a neck injury requiring a cervical discectomy, decompression and fusion as well as the implantation of a spinal cord stimulator.

Leg Injury

The case involved a 54-year-old woman whose leg was crushed by another vehicle as she was unloading packages from the trunk of her car. The defendant's insurance company eventually paid policy limits and the defendant eventually paid thirty three thousand dollars herself. The defendant paid the money only after Larry Stern showed up at her sentencing and persuaded the court she wasn't cooperative in disclosing assets.

Neck Injury Requiring Surgery

The case involved a 50-year-old man in a rear-end collision. He suffered a neck injury requiring a cervical discectomy and arthroplasty. The policy limits were obtained.

Closed head injury

The case involved a man who suffered a closed head injury in a collision with a cement truck.


The case involved four teenage children who lost their father in a head-on collision.
$419,132.00Jury Verdict

Neck and upper back injuries/Non surgical TMJ dysfunction

The case involved a plaintiff who was rear-ended at the intersection of Hennepin Avenue South at West 22nd Street in Minneapolis. The force of the collision pushed the plaintiff's car into the stopped vehicle in front of her. The plaintiff's vehicle was a total loss. The plaintiff was removed by back board to the emergency room at Fairview Riverside Medical Center.

Traumatic Brain Injury, Fractured Pelvis

This case involved a 16-year-old young woman who was driving through an intersection in Elk River. A pick-up pulling a full trailer of asphalt ran the red light and crashed into the young woman.
Paul E Godlewski

Broken Bone Injuries

Client sustained a pilon fracture of the tibia requiring surgical intervention.
Aaron S Eken

Knee injury inquiring two surgeries

The case involved a 45-year-old self-employed in the business of sales and installation of floor covering. He stopped in his vehicle at a stop sign in Golden Valley, Minnesota. Ahead of him was defendant's truck. Without warning the defendant's truck suddenly went into reverse and backed into him. His right knee slammed into the dashboard. Eventually he required two knee surgeries.
James R Schwebel

Broken Bone Injuries

A 25-year-old was t-boned by a State of Minnesota snow plow. They sustained a hip fracture requiring hardware placement. Overcame immunity defense.
Cole J Dixon

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

This case involves a 30-year-old woman who was injured in a motor vehicle accident on September 15, 2009. The injuries occurred in Denver, Colorado. The plaintiff went to Good Samaritan Hospital complaining of significant neck and back pain. The doctors ordered an immediate CT of her cervical spine which showed a fracture of the anterior inferior corner of C5 with distraction of the C5-6 spinous prosthesis. The doctor's final diagnosis was unstable ligamentous injury to her neck of C5-6. In December of 2009, she went through a posterior cervical decompression at C5-6 on the left with a hemilaminectomy for resection of small epidural hematoma. The patient had a very good recovery from the surgical intervention and is now able to lead the normal active life of a 30 year old mother of one.

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

A seventy-one-year-old woman suffered avulsion fractures at the spinous process at C4 and, C6 levels in a motor vehicle accident. She also suffered a compression fracture at the T2 level, two rib fractures and a minor concussion. She recovered well but continued to have neck and upper back pain.
$365,000.00Arbitration Award


The case involved a 19-year-old man who was in the National Guard. He was killed while a passenger in a car involved in a two-vehicle collision at a rural intersection in Lakeville Minnesota.
James R Schwebel

Broken Ankle

The case involved a 14-year-old young man who was cleaning the warehouse where his mother worked. He was driving around the warehouse on a forklift with an employee at the warehouse. As they attempted to turn a corner, the forklift tipped over and the cage fell on young man's ankle causing a severe fracture of the right ankle.


Case facts confidential
Duncan J McIntyre

Broken Bone Injuries

The plaintiff was a passenger in a vehicle traveling on a dirt road. The driver asked the plaintiff to take the wheel while he looked for his cell phone. Vehicle left the roadway and went down an incline. The plaintiff's right hand went out the window as a result of the bouncing vehicle. His hand struck a tree which caused a degloving injury of the right hand. The plaintiff lost his index finger as a result and has limited use of his thumb. They settled with the liability carrier for $100,000.00, and the UIM carrier for policy limits of $250,000.00. The case had been rejected on liability by other local personal injury firms.
$350,000.00Jury Verdict

Soft Tissue-Back

The case involved a woman who injured her lower back in a motor vehicle accident

Broken Bone Injuries

A 30-year-old was t-boned on the highway and sustained a fractured femur requiring hardware placement.
Cole J Dixon

Fractured left tibia that required surgery. Plates and screws were inserted into the leg to hold the bone together

The case involved a female flight attendant whose vehicle was struck by the defendant's car after it crossed over the center line, and hit the plaintiff's car head on. The plaintiff was unable to return to work.

Orthopedic Injuries

The case involved a young man who was struck by a wrong-way drunk driver on the highway. He suffered multiple significant injuries including fractures of his lower legs requiring surgical repair and being in a wheelchair for a number of months.

Orthopedic Injuries

The case involved a 56-year-old woman who was involved in a high-speed rear-end collision. She suffered multiple significant injuries including a brain injury and fractures to the humerus, thoracic and lumbar spine and ribs. An open reduction and internal fixation of the humerus was performed.
$336,811.00Arbitration Award

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

This case involved a police officer with a history of neck and back injuries. She was injured in an auto crash while on the job sustaining neck and back injuries. Following the crash, she underwent C7-T1 decompression and total disc replacement and L4-L5 total disc replacement surgery.
Cody C Scharpf
$335,000.00Jury Verdict

Lis Franc Fracture

A 66-year-old man was struck by an uninsured motorist. The uninsured driver crossed the center line and this resulted in a high-speed head-on collision. The plaintiff suffered a lis franc fracture with resulting surgeries.

Scars and tattooing to the back; scar on the head from the surgery; depressed skull fracture

The case involved a 7-year-old boy who was vacationing with his family in Banff, Canada. The young boy was riding his bike at a campground when a speeding Suzuki Sidekick hit him.
Max H Hacker

Right open tibia fracture (surgery)

The case involved a 23-year-old man who was getting into a cab after a night of drinking. The defendant cab driver suddenly took off and the driver drove over the client's right leg.
Max H Hacker

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

The case involved a 60-year-old man who was hit by driver that crossed the center line after suffering a seizure. He sustained a sternum fracture, rib fractures, lumbar fractures, tibia fracture. The policy limits were obtained.

Fractured pelvis

The case involved a 40-year-old man who was driving his car when he was hit by a hit and run vehicle.


The case involved a female college freshman that was traveling as a passenger in her friend's car en route to school. The driver lost control of her car on icy road conditions and slid over the centerline on a gradual curve on the highway. An oncoming truck broad-sided her car.
James R Schwebel

Foot Fracture

Claimant was a middle-aged woman injured when the at-fault driver crossed over the center line on a city street, causing a head on collision. Claimant fractured the calcaneus (heal bone) in her right foot, requiring surgery and the use of crutches for nine months. The claimant worked in an office and was able to return to work.
Paul E Godlewski

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

The case involved a 60-year-old woman who was hit by driver who failed to yield the right-of-way. She sustained a compression fracture in her lumbar spine and a fracture sternum and was forced to retire early. The policy limits were obtained.

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

A 55-year-old man suffered a compression fracture to the cervical spine and soft tissue injuries to the back. Treatment involved six rhizotomy procedures. Two procedures to the cervical and one to the thoracic spine. This case was complicated by his pre-exitsting condition which incluced severe degenerative disc disease and a prior neck fusion. We also had liability issues since the plaintiff's vehicle never came in contact with the defendant's vehicle.

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) injury to the foot

The case involved a man who suffered a reflex sympathetic dystrophy to his foot in an automobile accident.

Broken ankle requiring two surgeries

The case involves a young woman who was driving her vehicle when the defendant's car failed to yield the right of way, striking her vehicle broadside. The young woman's ankle broke and she required two surgeries.

Damage to Pacemaker

A 75-year-old man was rear-ended and as a result, his pacemaker became infected and required surgery.
Cole J Dixon

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

A 43-year-old was hit head-on by a vehicle that crossed the centerline. They required ACL repair surgery as well as low back discectomy surgery.
Cole J Dixon


The case involved a female passenger who was killed by a truck that went through a stop sign.
$268,000.00Jury Verdict

Soft tissue neck & back, facial scar, and eye injury

The case involved a defendant who lost control of his car and crossed over the center line striking the plaintiff. (Offer before trial: $60,000)

Traumatic brain injury, left mandibular fracture, and rib fractures

The case involved a 24-year-old young man who was helping people out of the ditch during a snowstorm. After helping all the people out of the ditch, he returned to his car and was hit from behind by two cars driving at excessive speed.
Max H Hacker

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

18-year-old girl rear-ended by 90-year-old woman. She developed lower back pain and went a year with no treatment, then required radiofrequency neurotomy treatments.
Cole J Dixon
$250,000.00Jury Verdict

Broken Bone Injuries

Auto accident resulting in knee injury and total knee replacement surgery.
Cole J Dixon


Neck fracture followed by multiple surgeries
Duncan J McIntyre


Neck fracture followed by multiple surgeries
Duncan J McIntyre

Multiply injuries Including a fractured ankle

The case involved a 65-year-old man who was injured in a head on collision.

Back Injury

The case involved a middle-age man who injured his neck and back when his car was rear-ended.
$230,000.00Jury Verdict

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

50-year-old man sustained soft tissue neck/back injuries and a torn rotator cuff requiring surgery following a crash on 394.
Cole J Dixon

Orthopedic injuries

The case involved a 78 year-old woman who was sitting in a wheelchair inside a medical transport van. Her wheelchair was not properly secured and she flew forward when the driver of the van stopped suddenly. She sustained a complicated fracture to her femur requiring and open reduction and internal fixation with a plate and 13 locked screws. Her recovery included a hospital stay of 5 days and then in-patient rehab for 5 months.

Lower Back Injury

The case involved a young carpenter injured by a vehicle that ran into him in a parking lot, crushing him between the door and frame of his car requiring lower back surgery.

Back & Shoulder injury (Surgery-Fusion)

The case involved a 32-year-old man who was stopped on the shoulder of the road because of an accident between two semi-tractor trailers. Without warning, a Chevrolet pickup truck driving at a high rate of speed, and towing a loaded horse trailer smashed into him.

Broken ankle with recommended fusion

The case involved a 62-year-old woman who was driving her vehicle when the defendant lost control of her car and struck the plaintiff's vehicle head on.

Orthopedic Injuries

The case involved a 70-year-old woman who was hit head on by another driver. She sustained fractures to her thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, rib fractures and a torn meniscus in her knee.

Burn Injuries

The case involved a 54-year-old woman who was rear ended by a commercial vehicle. She sustained a mild traumatic brain injury with residual issues and was unable to secure meaningful employment because of her injuries.

Serious Leg Injury

The case involved a woman who suffered serious leg injuries as a result of being struck by a drunk driver.

Dislocated hip-good physical recovery

The case involved a young woman who was driving her car when the defendant ran a red light and hit her broadside. The plaintiff dislocated her hip. She made a good physical recovery.

Crushed leg

The case involved a young woman whose legs were crushed while standing between two parked cars that were struck by a drunk driver.

Talus Fracture

A 70-year-old gentleman was in car accident. He suffered a talus fracture which resulted in three surgeries. Liability insurance paid the policy and underinsured added to that settlement.

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

Auto accident resulting in non-surgical back injury.
Cody C Scharpf


Woman in her 50’s involved in an intersection accident sustaining concussion. Insured initially denied liability until witness was secured who confirmed defendant ran the red light.
Cody C Scharpf

Hand Injury

The case involved a woman who suffered an injury to her hand when her airbag imploded, resulting in deformity after a car accident.

Back injury requiring surgery

The case involved a 51 year-old man who was rear-ended by another vehicle. He sustained injuries to his neck and back and ultimately had a L5-S1 laminoforaminotomy and microdiscectomy. He was unable to work as a truck driver following the crash. Challenging issue was minimal property damage.

Back injury requiring surgery

The case involved a 67 year-old man who was rear-ended by another vehicle. He sustained thoracic fractures and underwent a thoracic spinal fusion. He was unable to work in a labor intensive job following the reach. The policy limits were obtained.

Orthopedic Injuries

The case involved a 75-year-old woman who was hit by driver who failed to yield the right-of-way. She sustained multiple pelvic fractures as well as injuries to her shoulder and low back. The policy limits were obtained.

Neck injury requiring surgery

The case involved a 50 year-old man who was involved in a rollover crash after being broadsided by another vehicle. He sustained injuries to his neck and back and underwent a cervical spine discectomy and fusion. The policy limits were obtained.

Orthopedic Injuries

The case involved a 63-year-old woman who was t-boned on the driver side of her vehicle. She sustained a lacerated spleen and fractures to her ribs, sternum, leg, and ankle with a complex wound. The policy limits were obtained.

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

The case involved a 46-year-old woman who was hit by driver who failed to yield the right-of-way. She sustained injuries to her neck, back, hip and jaw requiring extensive treatment. The policy limits were obtained.

Two orthopedic shoulder surgeries and aggravation of a prior soft tissue neck injury

The case involved a 48-year-old man who was involved in a severe car crash. As a result, he had to undergo two orthopedic shoulder surgeries, and also aggravated a prior soft tissue neck injury. The no-fault carrier not only paid the full extent of the disputed bills, they paid interest as well.

Orthopedic injuries

The case involved an 83 year-old woman who was struck by another vehicle as she was stopped at a stop sign. Her leg was crushed and she suffered fractures to her lower leg, ankle, pelvis and ribs. She was admitted to the hospital for two weeks.

Jaw Fracture and Soft Tissue Injuries- Neck and Back

This case involved a 58-year-old woman who was side swiped by an inattentive driver. As a result, she lost control of her vehicle and struck a light pole head-on. Her jaw struck the steering wheel and fractured.
Kojo A Addo

Broken Bone Injuries

A 35-year-old male suffered a fractured ankle and other injuries from auto accident. Fault was contested with each side having experts claiming the other party caused the accident. The plaintiff was in jail for an extended period of time after the accident and could not obtain necessary treatment.

Fracture of the left femoral neck with mild anteversion and coxa deformity

The case involved a 65-year-old man who attended a function at Opportunity Partners with his wife. He drove to this event, and parked in the parking lot where buses were transporting senior citizens to the Opportunity Partners open house luncheon. While returning to his car, a van among the buses backed out and struck him, knocking him to the ground. The van did not have a back-up audible signal.
Paul E Godlewski
$163,953.00Jury Verdict

Soft Tissue Neck & Back

The claimant was a 20-year-old married father of one who was injured in an intersection collision when another driver failed to stop for a yield sign, and collided with claimant. The driver of the at-fault vehicle was not insured and this claim proceeded to a jury trial against the claimant's own insurance carrier. The claimant sustained permanent soft tissue injuries to his neck and back.
Paul E Godlewski

Orthopedic injuries

The case involved a 66-year-old man who was struck by another vehicle who failed to yield the right of way. He suffered a shoulder fracture and was unable to return to work.

Traumatic Brain Injury, Ankle Ligament Injury, Soft Tissue Injury-Neck and Back

This case involved an 18-year-old woman who was a passenger of a vehicle that was violently T-boned by a drunk driver. She suffered serious injuries requiring surgery.
Kojo A Addo

Herniated disc at the C5-6 level (fusion surgery)

The case involved a 32-year-old female nursing student who was rear-ended by another vehicle while stuck in traffic.
$150,000.00Jury Verdict

Broken Ankle

The case involved a 56-year-old man who was severely injured in a car accident. The defendant exited a driveway directly in the path of the plaintiff, causing a collision.

Soft Tissue-Back

The case involved a gentleman that injured his lower back in a rear-end automobile accident.

Fractures and Scarring

A 14-year-old girl was a passenger in a vehicle driven by her father that negligently left the roadway. She suffered factures and scarring. Insurance on the vehicle and the underinsured coverage paid the full policy without litigation.

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

The case involved a 26-year-old woman who required surgery for a neck injury following a parking lot crash.
$150,000.00Jury Verdict

Scarring and Aggravation of Pre-existing condition

A 63-year-old couple were hit head on by an oncoming motorist. She suffered scarring and he had a pre-existing condition which was aggravated, and resulted in surgery sooner than he might otherwise have had the surgery.

Brain Injuries

The case involved a young man injured while a passenger in a motor vehicle accident.
$144,471.00Jury Verdict

Soft Tissue Neck & Back/Shoulder

The plaintiff was a single woman who returned to a vocational school after her mid-life divorce, and was the oldest student in her classes. She received the highest grades of all the students and was immediately placed for full-time work after graduation. Less than four years later, and now a grandmother, she was involved in a rear-end collision. After settling with the at-fault driver, the plaintiff proceeded with a claim against her own carrier for additional underinsured motorist benefits because of the permanent injuries to her neck and back.
Paul E Godlewski

Neck injury requiring surgery

The case involved a 37 year-old man who was rear-ended by another vehicle as he was stopped at a red light. His vehicle was then pushed into the car in front of him. He sustained injuries to his neck and upper back requiring physical therapy, injections and ultimately an anterior cervical decompression and disk arthroplasty at C5-C6. He was unable to work for a period of time following the crash and surgery.

Ankle Ligament Injury, Fracture Finger, Soft Tissue Injury-Neck and Back

This case involved a 44-year-old woman who was a passenger of a vehicle that was violently T-boned by a drunk driver. She suffered serious injuries requiring surgery.
Kojo A Addo

Broken Hand

The case involved a 24-year-old woman who was driving her car home, when the defendant ran a red light and hit her vehicle.

Abdominal Surgery & Scarring

The case involved a 50-year-old woman who was driving her friend home. As they pulled out, a vehicle traveling eastbound struck the front left corner of her vehicle. She was taken to the hospital where she underwent abdominal surgery. A portion of her stomach was pushed up into her esophagus. She has an incision and resultant scar from below her umbilical to the bottom of her sternum.

Broken Bone Injuries

An 87-year-old woman was a passenger in a senior citiizens van which was struck by a driver who ran a red light. Mutlitple senior citizens were injured. The plaintiff suffered a fracture which required placement for a period of time in a nursing home.

Monteggia Fracture of his arm

The case involved a 22-year-old young man who was a passenger in his friend's car, when a woman pulled out in front their vehicle. The impact shattered the windows and he threw up his arm to shield his face. He was then thrown to the side, impacting with his right arm. He felt immediate pain and snapping as the bone came through his skin.
$133,000.00Jury Verdict

Headaches, Neck and Back Pain

Young man rear ended and sustained headaches and neck/back pain. Treated with chiropractor and neurologist. Would have occipital decompression surgery to relieve headaches.
Cole J Dixon

Orthopedic Injuries

The case involved a 70-year-old woman who was involved in a collision with a vehicle that ran a red light. She suffered a severe traumatic brain injury.

Broken Bone Injuries

Motor vehicle accident. Ulna and Radius Fracture.
Owen M Masica

Suffered a significant blow to the head. Client had five stitches about the left eye. Two left leg and knee three fractures to the tibia and fibula of the left leg. Client underwent surgical repair with rods. Significant bruising to the left side of stoma

The case involved a 21-year-old young woman who was camping with her friend at a local campground. While a passenger on a four wheeler, she was hit by a pick up truck.
Max H Hacker
$128,000.00Jury Verdict

Soft tissue neck & back

The plaintiff suffered a soft tissue injury when defendants' negligence caused plaintiff's vehicle to roll over. The defendants claimed the damages were only $10,000, but the jury felt they were 13 times that.

Orthopedic Injuries

The case involved a 39-year-old man who was involved in a collision with a commercial vehicle that ran a red light. He suffered lacerations to his scalp and hand, a torn shoulder and neck and back pain.

Multiple Injuries-Including a back surgery

The case involved a 41-year-old woman who seriously injured her back when a semi-tractor trailer smashed into her a car.

Herniated Disc

The case involved a man who was driving a car that was rear ended.

Knee Laceration/Degloving

This case involved a 74-year-old woman whose vehicle was stuck in a depression of a restaurant parking lot. She asked an employee at the restaurant for assistance. The employee agreed to assist her. As he was reversing her vehicle out of the depression, he failed to keep a proper look out and sliced the woman's knee with the open car door.
Kojo A Addo

Shattered tibia and fibula of the right leg - lower leg surgically plated

The case involved a 25-year-old mother who was a passenger in a car driving to a ranch. The defendant's driver failed to yield the right-of-way, and smashed into the car the woman was a passenger in.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Injuries to Shoulder, Knee, and Back

A middle-aged woman suffered post traumatic stress disorder and injuries to her shoulder, knee and back. She was hit by a motorist that lost control on slushy roads.

Disc Injury Surgery

The case involved a 19-year-old man who seriously injured his back in an automobile accident.

Neck and back injury (Surgery)

The case involved a 38-year-old man who was driving his pickup truck to his office, when he was rear end by the defendant vehicle.

Shoulder Surgery/Soft Tissue

The case involved a 41-year-old woman who was driving her car through an intersection, when suddenly, and without warning, an eastbound vehicle made a left-hand turn directly into the path of her vehicle, resulting in a severe collision.
Max H Hacker
$105,000.00Jury Verdict

Soft Tissue Neck & Back

This case involved a physical therapist who sustained injuries as a result of an intersection collision. These injuries were to the soft tissues, muscles, tendons and ligaments of the neck. As a result of these injuries, the physical therapist was required to change occupations which included returning to school, and becoming certified as a dietician before re-entering the professional work force.
Paul E Godlewski

Left clavicle fracture, Left knee contusion, Neck strain

The case involved a 34-year-old woman who was coming home from work, when the defendant failed to yield the right of away at a stop sign and hit the woman's car broadside.

Umbilical Hernia and Soft Tissue Injury-Neck and Back

This case involved a 47-year-old man who was violently T-boned by a drunk driver. He suffered an umbilical hernia requiring surgery among other soft tissue injuries.
Kojo A Addo

Soft Tissue Injuries - Neck and Back and Loss of Future Earning Capacity

This case involved a 23-year-old man who was violently rear ended while at stopped at a stoplight. As a result, he suffered soft tissue injuries and was unable to return to job due to his injuries.
Kojo A Addo

Back & Shoulder injury(Surgery)

The case involved a 58-year-old man who was stopped at a red light. Suddenly, without any warning, his vehicle was violently rear ended and pushed forward in to the vehicle ahead. This was a high speed rear end collision. Five vehicles were involved in the accident.
Max H Hacker


The case involved a 77-year-old man who was a back seat passenger in a car that his daughter was driving. As they were driving through a stoplight, they were hit by a car that ran the red light.
Max H Hacker

Severe fracture with two surgeries to the right foot

The case involved a 49-year-old woman who was a passenger in her husband's car. The accelerator stuck, causing the vehicle to slam into a building.
Max H Hacker

Orthopedic injuries

The case involved a 45 year-old woman who was struck by another vehicle as she was parked on the shoulder. She suffered a torn rotator cuff and had to undergo two surgical procedure to repair the shoulder.

fx neck, fx pelvis, fx arm, internal injuries, fx ribs, pneutothorax

The case involved a 91-year-old woman who was a passenger in a major automobile accident. (Policy Limits)

Soft Tissue-Back

The case involved a man who injured his lower back injury in a motor vehicle accident.

Disc herniation at C5-6 and a TFCC tear in her right wrist

The case involved a 42-year-old mother of one who was driving home from her sister's house when the defendant driver ran a red light and hit her car broadside. The defendant was driving over 50 MPH when he hit her car.
Max H Hacker

Severe right arm injuries requiring three surgeries. Skin grafting, harvesting sites on thighs and back

The case involved an 18-year-old young man who suffered a severe arm injury when his car was hit by an out of control driver. The 18-year-old man required three surgeries to repair his right arm.

Over sixty stitches to the head and forehead. Multiple facial lacerations

The case involved a 27-year-old woman who was rear-ended by a drunk driver, causing her vehicle to flip over and strike median. The client was ejected and trapped underneath the vehicle. The defendant was driving over 90 MPH when he rear ended the plaintiff's car.

Lacerations and cuts to his face, headaches, torn diaphragm and four broken ribs, collapsed lung, broken pelvis on the left side with surgery

The case involved a 45-year-old man who was driving his car when another vehicle cut in front of him without warning. The plaintiff's car spun out and flipped over. The defendant had been drinking.

Multiple pelvic fractures, injury to her ankle

The case involved a 16-year-old young woman who was a camp counselor at a camp in Minnesota. As she was driving the camps van into town to pick up a few things, she was violently rear-ended by another van.
Max H Hacker

Scar and internal injuries

The case involved an 18 year-old man who was a passenger in a vehicle that was struck when another vehicle failed to yield the right of way. The vehicle he was in then rolled several times before coming to rest on the roof. He suffered severe facial lacerations from broken glass, lacerations to his kidney and spleen and was hospitalized for two days.

Ankle Fracture

This case involved a 76-year-old man whose hit head-on by an uninsured driver. As a result, he suffered an ankle fracture requiring surgery.
Kojo A Addo

Traumatic Brain Injury and Soft Tissue Injuries – Neck and Back

This case involved a 50-year-old woman who was T-boned by an uninsured driver who failed to stop for a red light.
Kojo A Addo

Soft tissue-neck and back

The case involved a woman who was driving a car that was rear ended. Her car was not damaged. Before trial the insurance company offered zero to settle this case. The plaintiff claimed pain in her neck and back after the accident. The defendant's doctor said that she could not have injured her neck and back without damage to the car.
$91,000.00Jury Verdict

Soft tissue neck & back

The case involved a man with pre-existing neck and back injuries. His vehicle was struck in the rear by the defendant's vehicle. Before the trial, the defendant offered $5000 to settle the claim. The plaintiff claimed the accident aggravated his pre-existing injury.

Brain Injuries

The case involved a 46 year-old woman who was struck by another vehicle that failed to yield the right of way at an intersection. She suffered neck pain and a mild traumatic brain injury. She was unable to return to her job as a commercial seamstress.
$90,000.00Jury Verdict

Back Injury

The case involved a 39-year-old man who seriously injured his back in an intersection accident.

Disc Injury

The case involved a 35-year-old woman who injured her back in an automobile accident.
$77,000.00Arbitration Award

Multiple Soft Tissue

The case involved a 38-year-old woman who was driving home from a friend's house, when a drunk driver drove through a red light and hit her vehicle.

Disc Injury

The case involved a 28-year-old man who injured his back in an automobile accident.
$75,000.00Jury Verdict


Woman involved in an intersection accident sustaining concussion – she claimed she had green light – defendant claimed she had green light – no witnesses to accident –insurance denied liability saying plaintiff at fault - Jury found defendant 100% at fault.
Cole J Dixon

Disc Injury Surgery/Prior

The case involved a 39-year-old man who injured his back in an automobile accident.