A. Composition. The Board shall consist of nine members, including a president. Seven of the members shall be lawyers having their principal office in this state and two shall be non-lawyer public members, each appointed by the Court for a term of three years or until a qualified successor is appointed. With the exception of the president, Board members may serve no more than three successive three-year terms. The president shall be appointed by the Court and shall serve as president, at the pleasure of the Court, for no more than six years. The terms of office may be staggered by the Court by any method it deems appropriate. The Board shall select a secretary from among its members. B. Authority. The Board is authorized: (1) Subject to the approval of the Court, to employ a director on a full-time or part-time basis, to prescribe duties, and to fix compensation; (2) To secure examination questions and other testing instruments that the Board finds valid and reliable in measuring the competence of applicants to practice law, and to pay reasonable compensation for them; (3) To employ examination graders; (4) To establish a minimum passing score for the examinations; (5) To conduct investigations of applicants’ backgrounds as may be reasonably related to fitness to practice or eligibility under the Rules, and to require applicants to pay the costs of the investigations; (6) To recommend to the Court the admission and licensure of applicants to practice law in Minnesota; (7) To administer these Rules and adopt policies and procedures consistent with these Rules; (8) To delegate to its president and director authority to make necessary determinations to implement the Board’s policies and procedures and these Rules; (9) To prepare and disseminate information to prospective applicants and the public about procedures and standards for admission to practice law in this state. C. Board Meetings and Quorum. Board meetings are open to the public except when the Board is considering the following: (1) Examination materials; (2) Any information concerning an applicant, potential applicant, or conditionally admitted lawyer; (3) Personnel matters; (4) Any information that is confidential or private under Rule 14; (5) Legal advice from its counsel. Board members may attend meetings in person or, in extraordinary circumstances, by conference call. A quorum of the Board shall be a majority of its sitting members. Minutes of the public portions of Board meetings are available upon request from the Board office. |