Significant Cases: Richard L. Tousignant

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Richard L. Tousignant

Direct Dial: 612-344-0465
Years in Practice: 39

Top Settlements

Areas of Practice
Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, No-fault Arbitration

Paralegal   Namie Ott

Legal Secretary   Namie Ott


Semi-Tractor Trailer Accident

Traumatic Brain Injury

The case involved a 46-year-old man whose vehicle was struck by a semi-tractor trailer that crossed over into his lane of traffic. The plaintiff was hospitalized for two weeks and unable to return to work because of his injuries.

Semi-truck Accidents

Amputation Injuries

2.2 million for the driver of a semi tractor whose vehicle was improperly loaded. Driver had his right leg amputated as a result of the accident.

Semi-truck Accidents

Amputation Injuries

A woman lost her leg just below the knee in a car crash with a semi-trailer. Liability was disputed.

Semi-Tractor Trailer Accident

Broken Bone Injuries

21 year old man involved in a crash with semi- tractor trailer. Left acetabular and left femur fracture. Left ankle dorsiflexion loss which resulted in foot drop.

Premise Liability

Brain Injury

The case involved a middle-aged man who suffered a closed head injury as the result of the negligence of the defendant resort. He was in a coma for 10 Days. The plaintiff had an excellent recovery with some long-term memory loss. After rehab care he was able to work as a store manager within six months of the injury.

Car Accidents

Burn Injuries

The plaintiff was a passenger in a stretch limousine that was rear-ended. The limousine's gas tank ruptured from the impact causing burns to over 18% of her body. She made a good recovery, but was left with scarring.

Motorcycle Accidents

Wrongful Death

A retired man was killed in a motorcycle accident. The suit was brought on behalf of his wife and son.

Car Accidents

Brain Injuries

A 15-year-old girl suffered a traumatic brain injury when the pickup truck she was riding in lost control and rolled over. Driver claimed a semi-tractor passed him causing him to lose control of his truck and trailer. Accident occurred in Chipley, Florida.

Car Accidents

Brain Injuries

A 14-year-old girl who was a MN resident was involved in a one car crash as a passenger in Florida. She suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury and spent several weeks in the hospital and rehabilitation care. Thankfully, she made a fantastic physical and mental recovery. Settlement for policy limits of $1,450,000.00.

Car Accidents

Son: Wrongful Death, Mother: Brain Injury & two Broken Ankles

The plaintiff was flying from Maryland to Colorado. She and her 13 year old son were returning from spring break. The plane was grounded in Minneapolis because of weather conditions in Colorado. The plaintiff had attended college in MN, so she called a friend to get together during her layover. The defendant joined them for dinner and offered to take the plaintiff back to the airport. The plaintiff was not aware that the defendant had been drinking prior to meeting them. On the way back to the airport the plaintiff noticed the defendant was traveling at a high rate of speed. The defendant's vehicle left the roadway and smashed into a steel barrier. The defendant had a BAC of .18.

Car Accidents

Wrongful Death

This case involved a 69-year-old husband survived by his wife of 36 years, three adult children and four grandchildren. He was traveling on a county roadway when a tractor with hay wagon pulled out in front of him. Collision caused immediate death. Settled for policy limits of 1.4 million.

Wrongful Death

Wrongful Death

Wrongful death of a 66-year-old man, who retired in 2019 after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s. He was struck by two cars and killed while out on his daily walk leaving his wife of 44 years and six adult children. Settled for 1.3 million.

Semi-Truck Accidents


The case involved a 53-year-old man who was killed when his SUV was hit by a semi tractor.

Automobile Accident

Traumatic brain injury, stitches under her right eye, fluid in her stomach and removal of part of the small intestine

The case involved a 46-year-old woman who was driving her car when a commercial pickup truck that did not see a stop sign, hit her broadside going 55 mph.

Slip, Trip and Fall

Traumatic Brain Injury

This case involved a 56-year-old man who slipped and fell at a business center. The fall was caused by ice build up coming out of the drain pipe. The claim was that the drain pipe was situated hazardously, and the owners of the center failed to do anything to correct the problem. Our client suffered a traumatic brain injury. He was working at the time of the fall, so workers compensation paid all his medical bills and wage loss and assigned their rights to recovery back to the plaintiff. This case settled for $1,054,418.00.

Car Accidents

Broken Bone Injuries

A 67-year-old female was involved in a head-on collision in Wisconsin. She sustained a closed fracture of multiple ribs on both sides, closed fracture of the sternum, closed non-displaced fracture of the pelvis, hypotension, and traumatic pneumothorax. Negotiated a $1,000,000.00 settlement with the at-fault party's insurance carrier. Was also able to get ERISA subrogation to reduce by 10%.
$716,000.00Arbitration Award


Spinal Cord Injury

The case involves a man who was in the middle of a busy road picking up the contents of his wife's purse, when an inattentive driver hit him. The plaintiff was thrown up onto the hood of the car and then on to the pavement.

Automobile Accident

Wrongful Death

The case involved a 71-year-old woman who was riding as a passenger in a golf cart when the cart was bumped by an automobile. She was ejected from the cart and her head struck the pavement. She was in a coma for approximately 10 days and ultimately died. There was some question as to whether her death was trauma related, or from health problems she had been having with her heart.

Dog Bite

Injury to Child

The case involved a 9-year-old child who was bit in the neck by a neighbors dog. The dog had broken free of its chain and attacked the child as he rode by on his bike.

Semi Truck Accidents

Paraplegic-loss of the use of both legs

The case involved a 13-year-old passenger in a vehicle that pulled out in front of a truck. The truck was hauling gravel, and according to the weight sheet, was overloaded. The claim was made that the truck would have been able to stop if loaded properly. The case settled for the policy limits of $500,000.

Automobile Accident

Ruptured spleen, torn aorta, and a fractured vertebrae

The case involved a 52-year-old man who was hit when the defendant went through a stop sign, striking the plaintiffs vehicle. The plaintiff's vehicle rolled over several times. He had a slow recovery, but within a year he was back to work as a full time carpenter.

Automobile Accident

Subdural hemotoma requiring surgery

The case involved a middle-aged man who was struck by the defendant's vehicle when it drove through a stop sign. The plaintiff made a excellent recovery.

Premise Liability

Facial and hand burns

The case involved a 13-year-old boy who was severely burned in a gasoline explosion and fire. The boy entered the basement without the landlord's permission (allegedly). He said he was going to get his bike. No bikes were in the basement. He then knocked over a can of gas which was ignited by the water heater.

Automobile Accident

Broken forearm / Soft tissue neck & back

The case involved a 56-year-old woman who was a passenger in a car that was hit when the defendant went through a stop sign. The impact caused the plaintiff to be thrown forward, striking her arm against the dashboard. Because of the injury she was unable to return to work.
$400,000.00Jury Verdict

Slip and Fall

Traumatic Brian Injury

The case involved a young man who slipped on the ice and fell outside of a restaurant. He struck his head on the ground causing him to have short-term memory loss. The defendant denied negligence and offered zero before trial.

Car Accidents

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

This case involves a 30-year-old woman who was injured in a motor vehicle accident on September 15, 2009. The injuries occurred in Denver, Colorado. The plaintiff went to Good Samaritan Hospital complaining of significant neck and back pain. The doctors ordered an immediate CT of her cervical spine which showed a fracture of the anterior inferior corner of C5 with distraction of the C5-6 spinous prosthesis. The doctor's final diagnosis was unstable ligamentous injury to her neck of C5-6. In December of 2009, she went through a posterior cervical decompression at C5-6 on the left with a hemilaminectomy for resection of small epidural hematoma. The patient had a very good recovery from the surgical intervention and is now able to lead the normal active life of a 30 year old mother of one.

Car Accidents

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

A seventy-one-year-old woman suffered avulsion fractures at the spinous process at C4 and, C6 levels in a motor vehicle accident. She also suffered a compression fracture at the T2 level, two rib fractures and a minor concussion. She recovered well but continued to have neck and upper back pain.

Pedestrian Accidents

Wrongful death

An 88-year-old married man was crossing a four lane roadway. He was not crossing at an intersection. The man was struck and killed by the defendant driver leaving behind his wife of 70 years, and six children. Settlement for policy limits on the liability carrier of $250,000, and underinsured motorist benefits in the amount of $100,000. Total settlement amount: $350,000.

Automobile Accident

Fractured left tibia that required surgery. Plates and screws were inserted into the leg to hold the bone together

The case involved a female flight attendant whose vehicle was struck by the defendant's car after it crossed over the center line, and hit the plaintiff's car head on. The plaintiff was unable to return to work.

Car Accidents

Broken Bone Injuries

The plaintiff was a passenger in a vehicle traveling on a dirt road. The driver asked the plaintiff to take the wheel while he looked for his cell phone. Vehicle left the roadway and went down an incline. The plaintiff's right hand went out the window as a result of the bouncing vehicle. His hand struck a tree which caused a degloving injury of the right hand. The plaintiff lost his index finger as a result and has limited use of his thumb. They settled with the liability carrier for $100,000.00, and the UIM carrier for policy limits of $250,000.00. The case had been rejected on liability by other local personal injury firms.

Automobile Accident

Fractured pelvis

The case involved a 40-year-old man who was driving his car when he was hit by a hit and run vehicle.

Car Accidents

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

A 55-year-old man suffered a compression fracture to the cervical spine and soft tissue injuries to the back. Treatment involved six rhizotomy procedures. Two procedures to the cervical and one to the thoracic spine. This case was complicated by his pre-exitsting condition which incluced severe degenerative disc disease and a prior neck fusion. We also had liability issues since the plaintiff's vehicle never came in contact with the defendant's vehicle.

Premises Liability

Burn Injuries

A child burned his leg in a flash fire in his neighbor's garage. Skin graft, scar just below the knee. Settled for policy limits of 300,000.00.

Automobile Accident

Broken ankle requiring two surgeries

The case involves a young woman who was driving her vehicle when the defendant's car failed to yield the right of way, striking her vehicle broadside. The young woman's ankle broke and she required two surgeries.
$268,000.00Jury Verdict

Automobile Accident

Soft tissue neck & back, facial scar, and eye injury

The case involved a defendant who lost control of his car and crossed over the center line striking the plaintiff. (Offer before trial: $60,000)

Motorcycle Accidents

Broken Bone Injuries

This case involved a 38-year-old woman who was involved in a serious car accident. As a result of the accident, she suffered a bimalleolar ankle fracture. Surgical intervention was required with plates and screws. She ultimately had a second surgery to remove the plates and screws. At the time of settlement she was back to work full time with no restrictions.

Automobile Accident

Broken ankle with recommended fusion

The case involved a 62-year-old woman who was driving her vehicle when the defendant lost control of her car and struck the plaintiff's vehicle head on.

Automobile Accident

Dislocated hip-good physical recovery

The case involved a young woman who was driving her car when the defendant ran a red light and hit her broadside. The plaintiff dislocated her hip. She made a good physical recovery.

Medical Malpractice


The case involved the wrongful death of a 67-year-old man who entered the hospital with confusion and memory problems. While in the hospitalized he entered a secured area and fell down several flights of stairs. The injuries from the fall led to his death.


Scar to forehead

The case involved a mentally retarded man who pulled a gun on a police officer and was shot.

Medical Malpractice


The case involved the wrongful death of a 70-year-old woman with Alzheimer's who wandered away from a nursing home. She was wearing a "Wander Guard," but the nursing home turned off the sensors so they had no idea she had left the premises.

Motorcycle Accident


The case involved a young woman who was a passenger on a motorcycle that was fleeing police. She fell off the back of the motorcycle and was run over by the police car.

Automobile Accident

Soft tissue-neck and back

The case involved a woman who was driving a car that was rear ended. Her car was not damaged. Before trial the insurance company offered zero to settle this case. The plaintiff claimed pain in her neck and back after the accident. The defendant's doctor said that she could not have injured her neck and back without damage to the car.
$91,000.00Jury Verdict

Automobile Accident

Soft tissue neck & back

The case involved a man with pre-existing neck and back injuries. His vehicle was struck in the rear by the defendant's vehicle. Before the trial, the defendant offered $5000 to settle the claim. The plaintiff claimed the accident aggravated his pre-existing injury.