Significant Cases: Paul E. Godlewski

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Paul E. Godlewski

Direct Dial: 612-344-0327
Years in Practice: 52

Top Settlements

Areas of Practice
Of Counsel

Paralegal   Kari Frandsen

Legal Secretary   Michelle Ilstrup

$15,868,960.00Jury Verdict

Product Liability

Brain Injuries

This case involved a 19-year-old young man who was working at a local gas station in rural Minnesota. The trial was one of the longest jury trials for a single injured plaintiff in Minnesota history. This major product liability case was appealed all the way to the United States Supreme Court, which ultimately upheld the verdict as reduced by the Minnesota Supreme Court. The result was not only a successful recovery for the plaintiff, but also established legal rights for protection of the public and those injured by defective products. The Minnesota Supreme Court reduced the original verdict to $8,200,000.00 as follows: $3,700,000.00 compensatory damages and $4,500,000.00 punitive damages.

Medical Malpractice / Auto Accident

Hip dislocation

The case involved a 15-year-old young man who was initially injured in a motor vehicle collision. When brought to the emergency room, there was a misdiagnosis regarding injuries to the hips, which resulted in further significant injuries and damages ultimately leading to bilateral hip replacements.

Automobile Accident

Spinal Cord Injuries

The case involved a 19-year-old young man who was a passenger in a car that left the roadway, and rolled over causing a severe neck injury resulting in quadriplegia. A structured settlement was put in place with these funds resulting in a return many times more than the actual settlement. This settlement allowed for lifetime care and income.

Automobile Accident

Wrongful Death

The case involved an elderly woman who was a passenger in her daughter's car. It was hit head on by a car which had been racing another car and lost control.

Construction Accidents

Immediate loss of sensation of all extremities, and eventually regained some movement in his legs and feet, but now suffers from a permanent cervical spine bruise resulting in permanent loss of the use of his hands and only partial use of his arm

A crane operator moved trusses that had been hoisted to the top of a garage. Upon moving one of the trusses, it bumped another causing it to fall and hit a 42-year-old man with four children on the head, causing bruising of the cervical spine and partial periphrasis of both upper extremities.

Boating Accidents

Wrongful Death

During a National Guard outing, a boat owned and operated by a former Colonel with the Minnesota National Guard collided with a boat operated by another soldier resulting in the death of a 37-year-old Lieutenant, and causing severe injuries to five other soldiers.

Car Accidents

Severe foot fracture (Calcaneus)

The case involved a middle age man who sustained a severe fracture to the foot in an auto accident, and was required to use a brace for the rest of his life even though he could continue to work.

Car Accidents

Brain Injuries

This case involved a husband and father who was employed in the meat department of the local food store. He suffered a closed head injury in a motor vehicle collision. This man sustained a permanent disability, which entitled him to social security and disability benefits. Additionally, the liability settlement was placed in a structured annuity returning many times its value to the plaintiff and his family.

Automobile Accident

Traumatic Brain Injury, Fractured Pelvis

This case involved a 16-year-old young woman who was driving through an intersection in Elk River. A pick-up pulling a full trailer of asphalt ran the red light and crashed into the young woman.

Product Liability


This case involved a 45-year-old Hispanic man who was employed on a temporary job at a pizza and dough related bakery in southwest Minnesota. He was hired to clean trays and other equipment. At the time of the accident he was asked to clean a tri-roller machine. This was the first time he had worked on a moving machine. He was standing on a stool and reached up over his shoulder height into the hopper to clean the inside. When the two rollers caught the glove he was wearing, they pulled his left hand and arm into the machine, crushing them and requiring amputation below the elbow.

Automobile Accident

Foot Fracture

Claimant was a middle-aged woman injured when the at-fault driver crossed over the center line on a city street, causing a head on collision. Claimant fractured the calcaneus (heal bone) in her right foot, requiring surgery and the use of crutches for nine months. The claimant worked in an office and was able to return to work.

Medical Malpractice

Metallic piece in eye, misdiagnosis resulting in blindness in one eye

The case involved a young mechanic who lost the sight in one eye after a medical doctor failed to diagnose the presence of a foreign metal object during routine emergency room care. The plaintiff went to the emergency room after a piece of metal struck his eye while he was hammering a tire rim. The result was that the foreign body formed scar tissue, which damaged the retina and this young man lost sight in his eye.

Boating Accidents

Soft Tissue Injuries to the Buttocks and Scarring

A 14-year-old boy was riding on the front of a pontoon with his feet dangling in the water. The adult driver was not paying attention, and the boy fell forward into the water. The propellers from the motor struck the boy on the buttocks causing loss of muscle tissue and scarring.

Product Liability

Foot Fracture

Claimant was hunting and used a tree stand purchased through a mail order catalog. The tree stand collapsed and the claimant sustained a severely fractured foot and was out of work for a year.

Premises Liability

Fractured right tibia and fibula/fractured ribs.

The case involved a retired couple that was invited to a friend's new house. Because of the new construction, they had temporary stairs put in until the permanent stairs were finished. The couple was walking up the stairs when they collapsed.

Slip, Trip and Fall

Fractured Hip

The retired claimant walked to a local dry cleaners to pick up some pants at a strip mall near his home. Precipitation was light, but the weather was cold enough that the mist and light snow froze on the sidewalk near the entrance of the dry cleaners. The claimant slipped and fell, fracturing his hip. The cleaners was open for business in the early morning hours and there was no salt or sand placed on the icy sidewalk for the protection of customers.
$195,000.00Jury Verdict

Slip, Trip and Fall

Hip Fracture/Femoral Head Fracture

A middle-aged laborer living in a HUD owned property slipped and fell on the accumulation of ice and snow outside of his townhome door. There had been prior complaints about the ice accumulation that was due to the design of the town-home, but the problem was never addressed. The claimant slipped and fell, fracturing his hip.

Automobile Accident

Fracture of the left femoral neck with mild anteversion and coxa deformity

The case involved a 65-year-old man who attended a function at Opportunity Partners with his wife. He drove to this event, and parked in the parking lot where buses were transporting senior citizens to the Opportunity Partners open house luncheon. While returning to his car, a van among the buses backed out and struck him, knocking him to the ground. The van did not have a back-up audible signal.
$163,953.00Jury Verdict

Automobile Accident

Soft Tissue Neck & Back

The claimant was a 20-year-old married father of one who was injured in an intersection collision when another driver failed to stop for a yield sign, and collided with claimant. The driver of the at-fault vehicle was not insured and this claim proceeded to a jury trial against the claimant's own insurance carrier. The claimant sustained permanent soft tissue injuries to his neck and back.
$150,000.00Jury Verdict

Injuries sustained from a fall

Fractured elbow

The case involved a woman going to her neighbor's home to request assistance in starting her lawn mower. When the plaintiff rang the neighbor's doorbell, their dog charged towards the door and jumped onto the closed screen door. This caused the plaintiff to back away suddenly in a defensive move, and she fell off the porch. As a result of the fall, the plaintiff sustained a fractured elbow requiring open reduction and internal fixation. Although there was no contact between the dog and the injured plaintiff, the judge ruled in favor the plaintiff because the aggressive move of the dog towards the door was the direct cause of the fall off the porch, and strict liability was applied.
$144,471.00Jury Verdict

Automobile Accident

Soft Tissue Neck & Back/Shoulder

The plaintiff was a single woman who returned to a vocational school after her mid-life divorce, and was the oldest student in her classes. She received the highest grades of all the students and was immediately placed for full-time work after graduation. Less than four years later, and now a grandmother, she was involved in a rear-end collision. After settling with the at-fault driver, the plaintiff proceeded with a claim against her own carrier for additional underinsured motorist benefits because of the permanent injuries to her neck and back.
$121,463.00Jury Verdict

Motorcycle Accidents

Soft Tissue and Broken Bone in Foot

The plaintiff was a mechanic on a casual saturday afternoon motorcycle ride, when a driver pulled out from a stop sign crashing into the side of the motorcycle. The claimant sustained soft tissue injuries to his foot and ankle, and fractured one of the small bones in his foot. He was able to return as a mechanic, but had to wear a permanent orthodic device in his shoe.

Dog Bites


A five year old girl was bit on her lip and cheek by a small dog. There was some residual scarring on this fair-skinned young lady.
$105,000.00Jury Verdict

Automobile Accident

Soft Tissue Neck & Back

This case involved a physical therapist who sustained injuries as a result of an intersection collision. These injuries were to the soft tissues, muscles, tendons and ligaments of the neck. As a result of these injuries, the physical therapist was required to change occupations which included returning to school, and becoming certified as a dietician before re-entering the professional work force.
$100,000.00Arbitration Award

Wrongful Death

Wrongful Death at Casino on Indian Reservation

A 19-year-old young man died while being restrained by security personnel at a Casino/Hotel on an Indian reservation. After resolving sovereign tribal immunity issues, this case proceeded to binding arbitration resulting in a recovery for the family of the unmarried 19-year-old young man.

Dog Bites

Facial Scar

The case involved a 34-year-old man who was bit in the face, twice, by a friend's dog.
Multimillion dollar confidential settlementSettlement

Train Accidents

Brain Injuries

The claimant's family lost a son and brother, and a young boy was left brain-injured as a result of a car/train collision. This confidential multi-million dollar settlement allowed for structured annuity to pay for necessities and income loss of the young boy, and relieve the financial burden on the parents. The wrongful death settlement will allow for the college education, and early adulthood start-up expenses for the surviving sibling.