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Pedestrian Accidents

Road rash to right side of back, right hip, and also skin grafting from the right hip and buttock area. Client also suffered deep lacerations and an open wound to the left knee

The case involved a 19-year-old young man who was walking to a friend's party, when someone leaving the party jumped into his van and ran him over. The young man was dragged under the van for about 100 feet. The driver of the van was exstemely intoxicated.


Premise Liability

Internal Injuries

The case involved a 17-year-old boy injured falling out of a tree and landing on a stake.


Automobile Accident

Severe fracture with two surgeries to the right foot

The case involved a 49-year-old woman who was a passenger in her husband's car. The accelerator stuck, causing the vehicle to slam into a building.


Automobile Accident

Severe right arm injuries requiring three surgeries. Skin grafting, harvesting sites on thighs and back

The case involved an 18-year-old young man who suffered a severe arm injury when his car was hit by an out of control driver. The 18-year-old man required three surgeries to repair his right arm.


Automobile Accident

Over sixty stitches to the head and forehead. Multiple facial lacerations

The case involved a 27-year-old woman who was rear-ended by a drunk driver, causing her vehicle to flip over and strike median. The client was ejected and trapped underneath the vehicle. The defendant was driving over 90 MPH when he rear ended the plaintiff's car.

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