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Car Accidents

Neck injury requiring surgery

The case involved a 50 year-old man who was involved in a rollover crash after being broadsided by another vehicle. He sustained injuries to his neck and back and underwent a cervical spine discectomy and fusion. The policy limits were obtained.

Negligent Supervision

Orthopedic Injuries

Parties and facts confidential.


Automobile Accident

Two orthopedic shoulder surgeries and aggravation of a prior soft tissue neck injury

The case involved a 48-year-old man who was involved in a severe car crash. As a result, he had to undergo two orthopedic shoulder surgeries, and also aggravated a prior soft tissue neck injury. The no-fault carrier not only paid the full extent of the disputed bills, they paid interest as well.

$195,000.00Jury Verdict

Slip, Trip and Fall

Hip Fracture/Femoral Head Fracture

A middle-aged laborer living in a HUD owned property slipped and fell on the accumulation of ice and snow outside of his townhome door. There had been prior complaints about the ice accumulation that was due to the design of the town-home, but the problem was never addressed. The claimant slipped and fell, fracturing his hip.


Premises Liability

Hip Fractures

A 55-year-old woman was at her son's apartment when the deck collapsed. She suffered hip fractures as a result. Defendants denied liability and claimed they had no knowledge. After an exchange of information, the case was settled.

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