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$321,000.00Jury Verdict

Slip, Trip and Fall

Broken Bone Injuries

Client slipped on an icy sidewalk in front of his apartment complex. He suffered a tibia fibula fracture that required surgery. He was 75 years old at the time of the verdict and had been retired for a number of years because of pre-existing medical problems.

Slip, Trip and Fall

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

The case involved a 67-year-old man who parked his car in the parking lot of a business. He stepped out of the car and slipped on the icy pavement as he was walking into the store. He suffered a neck injury requiring a 4-level cervical fusion.

Slip, Trip and Fall

Orthopedic Injuries

The case involved a 63-year-old woman who tripped and fell on a rug over uneven cement slabs in front of a hotel. There was also inadequate lighting in the area. She fractured her femur requiring surgical repair and eventually a total hip replacement.

Slip, Trip and Fall

Wrist Fracture, Facial/Orbital Bone Fracture, Dental Fractures, and PTSD

This case involved a 69-year-old woman, who tripped and fell down a poorly maintained exterior steps of a rental property. As a result of the fall, she suffered serious injuries requiring multiple surgeries.

Premises Liability

Fractured right tibia and fibula/fractured ribs.

The case involved a retired couple that was invited to a friend's new house. Because of the new construction, they had temporary stairs put in until the permanent stairs were finished. The couple was walking up the stairs when they collapsed.
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