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Automobile Accident

Severe fracture with two surgeries to the right foot

The case involved a 49-year-old woman who was a passenger in her husband's car. The accelerator stuck, causing the vehicle to slam into a building.

Car Accidents

Orthopedic injuries

The case involved a 45 year-old woman who was struck by another vehicle as she was parked on the shoulder. She suffered a torn rotator cuff and had to undergo two surgical procedure to repair the shoulder.


Automobile Accident

fx neck, fx pelvis, fx arm, internal injuries, fx ribs, pneutothorax

The case involved a 91-year-old woman who was a passenger in a major automobile accident. (Policy Limits)


Automobile Accident

Soft Tissue-Back

The case involved a man who injured his lower back injury in a motor vehicle accident.


Automobile Accident

Disc herniation at C5-6 and a TFCC tear in her right wrist

The case involved a 42-year-old mother of one who was driving home from her sister's house when the defendant driver ran a red light and hit her car broadside. The defendant was driving over 50 MPH when he hit her car.
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