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Automobile Accident

Broken ankle with recommended fusion

The case involved a 62-year-old woman who was driving her vehicle when the defendant lost control of her car and struck the plaintiff's vehicle head on.


Car Accidents

Talus Fracture

A 70-year-old gentleman was in car accident. He suffered a talus fracture which resulted in three surgeries. Liability insurance paid the policy and underinsured added to that settlement.


Slip, Trip and Fall

Fractured Hip

The retired claimant walked to a local dry cleaners to pick up some pants at a strip mall near his home. Precipitation was light, but the weather was cold enough that the mist and light snow froze on the sidewalk near the entrance of the dry cleaners. The claimant slipped and fell, fracturing his hip. The cleaners was open for business in the early morning hours and there was no salt or sand placed on the icy sidewalk for the protection of customers.


Motorcycle Accidents

Fractured left clavicle, eight fractured ribs, collapsed lung, loss of spleen, gouge to knees

The case involved a 42-year-old man who was hit while riding his motorcycle. The defendant made a left turn directly in front of the 42-year-old man's motorcycle. The defendant admitted that she never even saw the motorcycle and didn't look before she started her turn.


Premises Liability

Hip Fractures

A 55-year-old woman was at her son's apartment when the deck collapsed. She suffered hip fractures as a result. Defendants denied liability and claimed they had no knowledge. After an exchange of information, the case was settled.

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