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Automobile Accident

Broken ankle requiring two surgeries

The case involves a young woman who was driving her vehicle when the defendant's car failed to yield the right of way, striking her vehicle broadside. The young woman's ankle broke and she required two surgeries.

Slip, Trip and Fall

Wrist Fracture, Facial/Orbital Bone Fracture, Dental Fractures, and PTSD

This case involved a 69-year-old woman, who tripped and fell down a poorly maintained exterior steps of a rental property. As a result of the fall, she suffered serious injuries requiring multiple surgeries.


Bicycle Accidents

Skull fracture, jaw fracture, left femur fracture and closed head injury

The case involved a 7-year-old little girl who was struck by a speeding pickup truck when she drove her bicycle onto the street from her father's driveway.


Motorcycle Accidents

Broken Bone Injuries

This case involved a 38-year-old woman who was involved in a serious car accident. As a result of the accident, she suffered a bimalleolar ankle fracture. Surgical intervention was required with plates and screws. She ultimately had a second surgery to remove the plates and screws. At the time of settlement she was back to work full time with no restrictions.


Auto Accidents/Broken Bone

Multiply injuries Including a fractured ankle

The case involved a 65-year-old man who was injured in a head on collision.

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