Renee Maas

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Renee Maas
Direct Dial: 612-344-0360

Renée Maas started with Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben in 2024 as a Paralegal to attorney Kojo Addo. Her legal background brings 10 years of experience in personal injury, medical malpractice, subrogation, and mediation. After Renée obtained her bachelor’s degree from Metropolitan State University, she became a Certified Paralegal through the Minnesota Paralegal Association. Renée worked for 4 years at Sieben Carey before transferring to our firm where she assists with the case management of the file from start to finish, including continued client contact and support, and preparation of legal documents.

Renée is passionate about helping people both professionally and personally; in her free time, she enjoys being outside, volunteering, seeing live music, traveling the country with her husband and their dog in their vintage camper and, in the summer months, boating in their 26’ cabin cruiser.