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Why I do what I do – Hannah Albrecht

November 2020

For as long as I can remember, I knew I wanted to work in a profession that allowed me to help people each and every day. Being a personal injury lawyer gives me that privilege. Every day I stand by my clients and help them through what is often some of the most difficult times of their lives.

Advocating on behalf of my clients is extremely important to me. Often, our clients don’t know how to talk to the insurance companies so that these companies will take them seriously. I use my passion and skills to advocate on my clients’ behalf to hold these companies responsible and show we are serious. My relationships with my clients are also very meaningful to me; I communicate with them often – even if there aren’t any big updates in their cases. Sometimes, just talking helps and to let them know I am here to help however I can.

I work hard to achieve the best results I can for our clients. This means navigating the complex web of insurance coverages and legal processes. Channeling my passions into my career truly allows me to come to work every day energized to fight for my clients.

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