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Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben and Wiggle Your Toes Support Victims of Limb Loss

October 2012

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The Holm family had no way of knowing the horrific results that would occur from engaging in an act of kindness. Aaron Holm was simply changing a tire for a friend on the side of the road, when a car hit him from behind. Aaron and his family will never forget that day, because both of Aaron’s legs had to be amputated. However, as a result of tragedy, triumph was born.

In memory of that triumph and as a promise to help others, the Wiggle Your Toes Foundation was created. Although Aaron can no longer wiggle his toes due to having two prosthetic legs, he keeps a positive mind-set and encourages others in similar situations to do the same.

Aaron champions this message every year, along with personal injury law firm Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben, at Aaron Holm’s 4th Annual Golf Event for Wiggle Your Toes. Schwebel sponsors the yearly event and it was announced that 2012 was the biggest fundraiser to date.

Life can surprise us, good or bad, and when times get tough we need help to keep moving. If you ore a loved one has been injured or killed in an auto accident, Schwebel, Goetz, and Sieben and the Wiggle Your Toes Foundation can help.

Schwebel, Goetz, and Sieben has a proven track record of helping families through difficult times, thus allowing family to concentrate on what matters most, each other. Call a Minneapolis personal injury attorney with years of experience at (612) 377-7777 or 1-800-752-4265 (toll free) for a free consultation.

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