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Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben 10 Points of Service Credo

October 2013

The Service Credo will be known, practiced, owned and fulfilled by all of us:


At some point throughout the day our clients will come in contact with us. At that moment in time, we will be Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben. Our entire reputation as a law firm is in our hands. We will make an impression. The impression will either be good or bad. We will have spoken to our clients more loudly than any community involvement, advertising, or public relations combined.


  1. OUR CENTRAL FOCUS IS EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE TO OUR CLIENTS. Each of our clients has suffered a serious and sometimes even catastrophic loss. Our primary goal is to help them as much as we can, in any way we can.
  2. WE RESPOND PROMPTLY TO ALL CLIENT COMMUNICATION. If a written response is required, that response will be sent out as soon as possible; phone calls are returned immediately or forwarded to someone who can respond right away. Any client concern receives our immediate attention.
  3. WE ARE COURTEOUS AT ALL TIMES. We are courteous to our clients, we are courteous to opposing counsel and their staff and we are courteous to all those we come in contact with in our daily work.
  4. WE ARE POSITIVE AND CONFIDENT, in our communications with our clients, insurers, opposing counsel and their staff. We are always dressed professionally in clothing suited to our professional environment. We take pride and care in our personal grooming.
  5. WE GET TO KNOW OUR CLIENTS. This allows us to anticipate their needs and provide prompt solutions to any problems they might have.
  6. WE DO THE UNEXPECTED. We go out of our way to provide our clients with information and services which are above and beyond their expectations. We let them know that we are ready, willing and able to assist them in anyway possible.
  7. WE ARE PROACTIVE. We seek out creative ways to assert and protect our clients’ rights. This requires hard work and total dedication to our client’s interests.
  9. WE WILL STRIVE TO BE THE VERY BEST. We will do the best we are capable of at all times and in every part of our job. We are proud of what we do.
  10. WE ARE AMBASSADORS OF SCHWEBEL, GOETZ & SIEBEN. We are proud of who we are, and we represent ourselves accordingly.

If you or a loved one is involved in a serious accident, please contact us today for a free consultation at (612) 377-7777 or toll-free at (800) 752-4265.

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