Minivan Rollover Accident Results in Death of Four Passengers
April 2013
A minivan rollover accident on I-94 in Minneapolis had devastating consequences for everyone involved. According to the Minnesota State Patrol, the outcome would have been different if four of the eight people riding in the minivan were properly restrained.
At the time of the crash on Sunday, four passengers did not have their seat belts secured correctly, or they were not wearing them at all. Lt. Eric Roeske of the Minnesota State Patrol implored drivers to conduct their vehicles at safe speeds, always keep their eyes on the roads, and of course, make sure that everyone secures their seat belts before the vehicle starts to move.
Last weekend was the deadliest weekend of this year for Minnesota’s roads. Along with the casualties resulting from Sunday’s crash, five other people lost their lives in car collisions across the state.
The crash that occurred on I-94 is still under investigation, but the initial belief is that the minivan participated in a minor accident with two other vehicles. According to Roeske, this contact caused the minivan’s driver to lose control of the vehicle and begin to rollover. The five passengers who did not succumb to their injuries are expected to recover.
According to Roeske, the driver of the minivan is not believed to have been under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the accident.
In order to avoid serious injury that can result in death, drivers and passengers need to put their seat belts on when they ride in a motor vehicle. The importance of wearing seat belts is at such a high priority that lawmakers wrote ordinances requiring that everyone riding in a vehicle wear seat belts. People can learn more about these laws by visiting the Minnesota Department of Public Safety.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a collision and are seeking a rollover accident attorney in Minneapolis, contact the personal injury attorneys at the law firm of Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben. Call 612-377-7777 or toll-free at 1-800-752-4265 for a free consultation.