It’s Motorcycle season in Minnesota
May 2011
Attorney Paul Godlewski
The snow has finally melted and many Minnesotans are eagar to get out for their first ride of the year. Every rider is aware of the risk involved when getting on a bike, but here are a few tips to help you avoid potential danger.
Motorcycle accidents are most likely to occur in these high-risk situations:
Left Turns – The most common car-motorcycle collisions are at an intersection when the automobile driver is making a left turn in front of a motorcycle.
Car’s Blind Spot – Motorcycles riding alongside a lane of cars are often out of the view of the driver. An unsuspecting driver may collide with a motorcyclist as the driver tries to change lanes.
Large Vehicles – A large vehicle, such as a van or semi truck, can block a motorcycle from a driver’s view. The motorcyclist may seem to suddenly appear from nowhere.
Hazardous Road Conditions – Potholes, fallen tree limbs, or railroad tracks may be minor problems for many drivers, whereas a motorcyclist may have to slow down or change lanes to avoid these obstacles.
Weather Conditions – When the road surface is wet or icy, motorcyclists’ braking and handling abilities are impaired.
Strong Winds – A strong gust of wind can move a motorcycle across an entire lane if the rider isn’t prepared for it. Wind gusts from large trucks in the other lane can be a real hazard.
It is extremely important to wear a helmet to avoid head injury. Wearing a motorcycle helmet lowers the risk of fatal injury by 29 percent and reduces the risk of traumatic brain injury by 67 percent.
Based in Minneapolis MN, the personal injury lawyers at Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben represent victims of motorcycle accidents throughout the entire state of Minnesota, Western Wisconsin, and North Dakota.