LifeSource Exceeds Fundraising Goals for Construction of Innovative Training Lab
July 2017
Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben proudly sponsored an event for LifeSource, a nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives through organ, eye and tissue donation in the Upper Midwest. Lifesource serves the 7 million people who live in communities across Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and portions of western Wisconsin. The organization partners with hospitals and community members to support donor families, manage the donation process, and educate communities to help create a culture of donation.
The event helped raise funds for the Simulation Laboratory Project 2017. This innovative project brings clinical simulation training on-site. Simulation provides real-life experience in a safe environment, working in a clinical setting with hi-fidelity mannequins.
LifeSource not only met, but exceeded their target fundraising goals for the evening making the event a resounding success. And attendees had the unique opportunity to meet, and have their photo taken with special guest Gopher Football coach P.J. Fleck.
If you would like to support this wonderful organization and the lifesaving work that they do, please consider making a donation here.
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