Eight SGS Lawyers Voted Top 40 Personal Injury Attorney
Minnesota Law & PoliticsJune 2005
MINNEAPOLIS, MN-June 1, 2005– Surpassing all other law firms in Minnesota, eight of Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben attorneys were designated as “Top 40 Personal Injury Lawyers ” in Minnesota, by the publishers of Law & Politics. Awardees were selected based on a survey of 16,000 attorneys in Minnesota followed by review by a blue ribbon panel.
Jim Schwebel commented, “While all of our attorneys provide outstanding service to our clients, we are proud to have such a significant representation in the list of Minnesota’s “Top 40 Personal Injury Attorneys.” The SGS attorneys receiving the award were Jim Schwebel, Bill Sieben, John Goetz, Richard Tousignant, Candy Dale, Paul Godlewski, William Crandall and Peter Riley.
Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben, P.A. is the largest law firm in Minnesota specializing exclusively in personal injury litigation. With 17 lawyers and more than 80 support staff, it provides personal, specialized service from initial investigation through settlement, trial or appeal. The firm is known for its prompt, courteous service and is recognized as a leader in legal development regarding injury and death claims.