Cell phones in cars just as dangerous as drinking and driving.
Author / Coordinator: InformationMinnesota
March 2007
A 1997 study by the New England Journal of Medicine has shown that the use of cellular phones while driving makes you four times more likely to crash than those not using the phones. This alarming statistic is equal to that for drunken driving at the .01 level.
At least 25 countries restrict or prohibit cell and other wireless technology but only New York City has passes such legislation in the United States. Sources say the cell phone industry is a major obstacle since it strongly opposes any and all restrictions on cell phone use.
As newer technology hits the market, more distractions – and potential accidents – will occur with the onset of PDA’s (personal digital assistants) and internet accessible devices. The number of cell phone subscribers has grown from 94 million in 2000 to more than 128 million today.
Some argue that mandating hands-free cell phones might be the answer. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) isn’t so sure. It argues that such laws assume most accidents occur during dialing or holding the phone, but research backs up the fact that simply being engaged in conversation is far more often to blame.
Establishing negligence against another driver because of a cell phone may be very complicated and difficult to prove. It is crucial that you talk to an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. If have immediate concerns or just need someone to talk to, call Schwebel, Goetz and Sieben now at 1-800-752-4265 for a free consultation.