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$336,811.00Arbitration Award

Car Accidents

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

This case involved a police officer with a history of neck and back injuries. She was injured in an auto crash while on the job sustaining neck and back injuries. Following the crash, she underwent C7-T1 decompression and total disc replacement and L4-L5 total disc replacement surgery.

Car Accidents

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

The case involved a 60-year-old man who was hit by driver that crossed the center line after suffering a seizure. He sustained a sternum fracture, rib fractures, lumbar fractures, tibia fracture. The policy limits were obtained.

Slip, Trip and Fall

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

The case involved a 67-year-old man who parked his car in the parking lot of a business. He stepped out of the car and slipped on the icy pavement as he was walking into the store. He suffered a neck injury requiring a 4-level cervical fusion.


Construction Accidents

Back Injury

A journeyman carpenter fell when the handle broke on a Symons Corporation steel-ply system forming pan.


Car Accidents

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

A 55-year-old man suffered a compression fracture to the cervical spine and soft tissue injuries to the back. Treatment involved six rhizotomy procedures. Two procedures to the cervical and one to the thoracic spine. This case was complicated by his pre-exitsting condition which incluced severe degenerative disc disease and a prior neck fusion. We also had liability issues since the plaintiff's vehicle never came in contact with the defendant's vehicle.
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