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Car Accidents

Brain injury / Multiple fractures

The plaintiff was seriously injured in a collision when the vehicle she was traveling in as a passenger struck a semi-tractor/trailer, which made a left turn without yielding. The plaintiff sustained a brain injury as well as a fracture of her left shoulder and ribs. The plaintiff made an excellent recovery but continued to have some residuals effects from her head injury, as well as some weakness of her left side.


Automobile Accident

Wrongful Death

The case involved an elderly woman who was a passenger in her daughter's car. It was hit head on by a car which had been racing another car and lost control.
Lawyer Team:
, , Paul E. Godlewski

Automobile Accident

Traumatic brain injury, stitches under her right eye, fluid in her stomach and removal of part of the small intestine

The case involved a 46-year-old woman who was driving her car when a commercial pickup truck that did not see a stop sign, hit her broadside going 55 mph.

Automobile Accident

Traumatic Brain Injury

A physician was shoveling snow in his driveway one morning before work when a car being driven by a lawyer slid into him, causing a brain injury. The lawyer's insurance policy provided only $100,000.00 of coverage, but additional coverage through the lawyer's law firm was established by proof that the lawyer was driving from home to court, rather than to his office, and was therefore legally considered to be on the job at the time of the accident.

Car Accidents


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