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$128,000.00Jury Verdict

Automobile Accident

Soft tissue neck & back

The plaintiff suffered a soft tissue injury when defendants' negligence caused plaintiff's vehicle to roll over. The defendants claimed the damages were only $10,000, but the jury felt they were 13 times that.


Car Accidents

Orthopedic Injuries

The case involved a 39-year-old man who was involved in a collision with a commercial vehicle that ran a red light. He suffered lacerations to his scalp and hand, a torn shoulder and neck and back pain.


Automobile Accident/Semi Tractor

Multiple Injuries-Including a back surgery

The case involved a 41-year-old woman who seriously injured her back when a semi-tractor trailer smashed into her a car.


Automobile Accident

Herniated Disc

The case involved a man who was driving a car that was rear ended.


Car Accidents

Knee Laceration/Degloving

This case involved a 74-year-old woman whose vehicle was stuck in a depression of a restaurant parking lot. She asked an employee at the restaurant for assistance. The employee agreed to assist her. As he was reversing her vehicle out of the depression, he failed to keep a proper look out and sliced the woman's knee with the open car door.
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