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Slip, Trip and Fall

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

Slip-and-fall at workplace resulting in multiple cervical and lumbar spine surgeries.


Car Accidents

Neck injury requiring surgery

This case involved a man who underwent cervical fusion surgery following a car accident.

$450,000.00Jury Verdict

Train Accidents

Back Injury

A 60-year-old railroad worker fell from a boxcar. He suffered a soft tissue injury and suffered significant wage loss, which finally resulted in retirement from the railroad. The jury verdict was the largest ever obtained in the county for a personal injury.


Car Accidents

Neck Injury Requiring Surgery

The case involved a 40-year-old woman who was involved in three rear-end collisions. She suffered a neck injury requiring a cervical discectomy, decompression and fusion as well as the implantation of a spinal cord stimulator.

Car Accidents

Neck Injury Requiring Surgery

The case involved a 50-year-old man in a rear-end collision. He suffered a neck injury requiring a cervical discectomy and arthroplasty. The policy limits were obtained.
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