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Car Accidents

Ankle Ligament Injury, Fracture Finger, Soft Tissue Injury-Neck and Back

This case involved a 44-year-old woman who was a passenger of a vehicle that was violently T-boned by a drunk driver. She suffered serious injuries requiring surgery.


Motorcycle Accidents

Fractures of both wrists

The case involved a woman injured while driving a motorcycle as a result of a car pulling out in front of her.


Car Accidents

Broken Bone Injuries

An 87-year-old woman was a passenger in a senior citiizens van which was struck by a driver who ran a red light. Mutlitple senior citizens were injured. The plaintiff suffered a fracture which required placement for a period of time in a nursing home.


Automobile Accident

Monteggia Fracture of his arm

The case involved a 22-year-old young man who was a passenger in his friend's car, when a woman pulled out in front their vehicle. The impact shattered the windows and he threw up his arm to shield his face. He was then thrown to the side, impacting with his right arm. He felt immediate pain and snapping as the bone came through his skin.


Motorcycle Accidents

Lumbar Fracture and Nerve Damage

This case involved a 66 year old man who was riding his motorcycle and was T-boned by a vehicle that failed to yield the right-of-way.
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