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Automobile Accident

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy also known as complex regional pain syndrome

The case involved a man who was stopped, waiting to make a left hand turn into his rural driveway when the defendant rear-ended him at a high rate of speed. The plaintiff's injuries initially appeared to be mild muscle and ligament trauma to his neck and back, but over time his condition deteriorated, and he developed chronic pain syndrome which severely limited the use of his left arm.
$750,000.00Arbitration Award

Automobile Accident


The case involved an 11-year-old girl who was traveling in a van that was stopped, waiting to turn left on Highway 12 when it was struck from the rear by a car traveling at highway speed. The impact catapulted the van over the center line where an eastbound vehicle then struck it almost instantaneously. All three occupants of the van were ejected. The 11-year-old girl was run over by one of the vehicles and died instantly.

Automobile Accident

Wrongful Death

The case involved a 71-year-old woman who was riding as a passenger in a golf cart when the cart was bumped by an automobile. She was ejected from the cart and her head struck the pavement. She was in a coma for approximately 10 days and ultimately died. There was some question as to whether her death was trauma related, or from health problems she had been having with her heart.

Car Accidents

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

45-year-old man sustained a neck injury after being rear ended. Eventually required a cervical fusion surgery. Challenging issue was minimal property damage.

Car Accidents

Neck, Back and Spine Injuries

The case involved a 53-year-old man who was rearended. He sustained aggravation of a low back injury requiring multiple surgeries and time missed from work.
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