Auto Accident Safety Guide for the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer
Summer travel can be a lot of fun! Especially in the frigid Midwest, summer is a fantastic time to enjoy the great outdoors, attend festivals, and hang out with friends. People love to travel, and the travel frenzy is at its peak between Memorial Day and Labor Day. However, the period, between Memorial Day and…
100 Deadliest Days of Summer Auto Accident Safety Guide
Summer brings warm weather and good times to our Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and the Dakotas, but it also adds traffic to our roadways. We encourage you to drive smart and drive defensively with all the additional drivers and vehicles on the road. After all, according to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, the time between…
Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben Spring Motorcycle Safety Guide
Motorcycle season is here. Riders from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and the Dakotas are sprucing up their rides and planning summer fun. At Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben, we’re asking motorcyclists to take extra safety precautions this year before hitting the open road. Establishing good safety habits, following expert riding tips, developing a sound riding strategy and…
Vehicle Crash Deaths Up 38% in South Dakota in 2020
Every car accident fatality is a tragedy, and unfortunately, South Dakota saw a sharp increase in the number of motor vehicle deaths in 2020. The state’s Department of Public Safety recently released a report detailing last year’s traffic accident statistics, and the information is important for all South Dakota residents to know. South Dakota Accident…
2020 was a Deadly Year on Minnesota Roads – Here are Tips for Driving Safe in Winter Weather
Hundreds of Minnesotans die in car accidents every year, but 2020 was a particular bad year for traffic fatalities. Unfortunately, almost 400 people in the state passed away due to car wrecks. Most traffic accidents are preventable, and being aware of safe driving strategies can save lives. Learning to drive safely in winter weather is…
South Dakota Traffic Deaths Rise During COVID-19 Pandemic
Officials in South Dakota stated that deaths due to traffic accidents increased this year by 38%, but the number of miles that people have been driving this year have gone down considerably. Tony Mangan is the spokesman for South Dakota’s Department of Public Safety, and he announced recently that 58 South Dakotans died in car…
Car Crash Death Rates Increase in Minnesota during Coronavirus Shutdown
The most dreaded task for any Minnesota State Patrol officer is letting family members know that their loved one was killed in a car accident. Even though lockdowns have slowed down overall traffic significantly, an astounding number of individuals are still being injured and killed in motor vehicle accidents. Those who are driving these days…
How To Purchase Minnesota Auto Insurance
Insurance is what you purchase to protect yourself and your family from unexpected disasters. When purchasing this protection, you should consider who you want to protect. All Minnesota policies include Liability, Uninsured, Underinsured and Personal Injury Protection. Liability coverage protects your and your family’s assets from a complete stranger. For example, if you or your…
Staying Safe During the 100 Deadliest Days on Minnesota Roads
This summer, there have been more than 130 traffic fatalities on Minnesota’s roadways. Officials have recently taken a few actions to help improve safety, including passing a new hands-free cell phone law and cracking down on drunk drivers. Nonetheless, the increased number of vehicles on the highway still creates a dangerous environment. Here are a…
Motor Vehicle Fatalities Decreased in North Dakota in 2018
In 2018, 104 people lost their lives as a result of motor vehicle accidents in North Dakota. This number represents a decrease of 10 percent according to the information provided by the North Dakota Department of Transportation and the North Dakota Highway Patrol. While state authorities are encouraged by this decrease, they explain that even…
Minnesota Records 300th Traffic Fatality of 2018
How Can You Stay Safe on Minnesota Roads? Unsafe driving behaviors often lead to tragic outcomes. To promote road safety and prevent death and injury, it’s helpful to face the facts about traffic fatalities and their causes. In Minnesota, over 300 people have already died in traffic accidents this year. Last year, Minnesota reached the…
2,656 Holiday DWI Arrests in Minnesota Highlight the Dangers of Drinking and Driving
Minnesota law enforcement agencies worked with the Department of Public Safety Office of Traffic Safety (DPS-OTS) during the 2017 winter holidays to crack down on impaired driving. In an effort to decrease the number of deaths and create a safe environment for all on the state’s roads, agencies boosted enforcement efforts during the period of…
Winter Driving – Tips for Staying Safe on the Road
Minnesotans know that winter driving presents its own unique set of challenges and safety hazards. Prudent motorists that value their personal and financial well-being can take precautions to manage risk. Here are a few tips that will help keep you safe behind the wheel this winter. Keep an Emergency Kit in the Trunk If a…
Safe Driving Made March 2017 the Second-safest Month on the Roads in Wisconsin Since World War II
According to preliminary data from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, 28 people were killed in motor vehicle accidents during the month of March 2017. This was the second lowest number of people who were killed during the month of March since World War II. March of 2010 had the fewest deaths since the end of…
South Dakota’s Safe Driving Habits Contribute to Low Vehicle Fatality Rate
South Dakotans have reason to be proud and feel safer on the roads after the number of motor-vehicle deaths in the state decreased over the past few years. Most other states had an increased vehicle fatality rate, according to the National Safety Council, an organization that promotes health and safety throughout the United States. That…
Safe Driving Habits Contribute to Decreased Motor Vehicle Fatalities in North Dakota in 2016
Preliminary data from the North Dakota Department of Transportation and the North Dakota Highway Patrol indicate that motor vehicle fatalities in North Dakota in 2016 were significantly reduced compared to the previous year, down 13 percent from 131 in 2015 to only 114 in 2016. The vast majority of these 114 fatalities involved passenger vehicles,…
Iowa Traffic Fatalities on the Rise in 2016
According to the Iowa Department of Transportation, there have been 276 deaths from motor vehicle accidents so far in 2016, an increase of 18.45 percent from last year. That is more than one death per day. At this rate, it is estimated that Iowa will experience close to 400 fatalities from traffic accidents this year….
An Unexpectedly Dangerous Time of Year for Minnesota Drivers
Many Minnesotans believe that most deadly traffic accidents happen during the winter. After all, ice and snow make roads far more slippery than rain. People often react with surprise when they learn that more fatalities occur in the late spring and summer. The Numbers The most dangerous part of the year extends from Memorial Day…
Minnesota DWI Confessions (Part 3 of 3)
The state of Minnesota wants people to know that their lives will change in a drastic manner if they decide to drive after ingesting alcohol. Minnesota residents who have experienced the consequences of a DWI arrest describe what life is like afterwards in an online video series from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Office…
Minnesota DWI Confessions (Part 2 of 3)
The three-part public service video series distributed by the Office of Traffic Safety, a division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, presents the real-life consequences drunk drivers face upon their arrest. The series, entitled "DWI Confessions: Real People. Real Stories," is designed to discourage driving while intoxicated (DWI) by presenting the true testimonials of…